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Q: In which place does most of the worlds oil come from?
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Who controls half of the worlds oil?

Siberia definitely produces most of the worlds oil

How much of the worlds oil come from offshore regions?

30% ~NoveNET~

Where does the most of the world oil come from?

Saudi Arabia

How much of the worlds oil production currently come from offshore region?

Offshore oil accounts for approximately 23% of the total oil production.

What will replace oil as the worlds most needed resource?

Type your answer here... Water

What type of government controls the OPEC?

OPEC controls most of the worlds oil source.

What organization's goal is to control the worlds production and price of oil?

OPEC is the organization that controls the world's production and price of oil. The members of OPEC come from twelve oil producing states.

Does china or the US use the most energy?

Well energy is a broad topic, in-terms of oil the US uses the most, roughly 25% of the worlds oil that is produced.

How much of the worlds oil still remains?

Lots of the worlds oil is still here. We haven't yet discovered all the oil.

What country has the greatest percentage of the worlds oil?

The 12 OPEC countries control 79% of the worlds crude reserves and 44% of the worlds crude oil and the most oil rich of these is Saudi Arabia. The related link below gives exact data (note the positions of Venezuela and Saudi should be swapped on the basis of the figures provided there).

Where does most of US oil come from?


Does most oil come from the mediterranean region?
