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I don't think there was a state with exactly 48 counties that joined the Union. West Virginia with 55 counties broke off from Virginia and joined the Union. 28 counties in Tennessee, mostly in the eastern part of the state supported the Union. Various counties in other Confederate states where plantations did not dominate the economy also supported the Union or at least felt opposed to secession.

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Q: In which state did 48 counties secede from the Confederacy and join the union?
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West Virginia. It became a separate state in 1863, and re-joined he Union.

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The states that DID NOT secede from the Union was Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri. These four states did not secede from the Union because They were Border states, meaning they were between the Union and the Confederacy.

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It's when Texas seceded from the Union and joined the Confederacy.

What state was formed when five of the Northern counties in Virginia decided not to secede from the Union?

West Virginia

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the border states didnt secede to the union or the confederacy the five border states arewest virginiamarylanddelewarekentuckymissouri

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Yes. After Virginia voted to secede from the USA, the Western counties voted to secede from Virginia. The state of West Virginia was admitted to the Union in 1863.

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