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Q: In which wars was US a victim of an aggressor?
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Giving in to an aggressor?


What is the idea of mutually assured destruction?

Mutually Assured Destruction is the concept that if someone attacks another they would respond by totally destroying the aggressor, but in the process of doing the destruction the original aggressor would be forced to totally destroy their original victim. Its acronym of MAD is very appropriate as it is mad to be the first aggressor as it would result in their own destruction. It is appropriate with respect to nuclear weapons as superpowers have enough of such weapons to totally destroy the others, and so none would start a nuclear war (to destroy someone) because the other side could/would respond in an equally destructive manner (destroying them).

Did the north fight in wars?

If you mean the northern states, they fought in the Civil War. Other than that one time, the US has always been united. Any wars which involved the north, involved the entire US. The US has, of course, fought in two world wars and many other wars.

What two wars fought in Europe and Asia where the last declared wars?

World War 1 and World War 2 were the last declared wars that the US participated in.I'm sure however that there have been small regional warsafter World War 2, that the US did not participate in that were declared wars by the regional participants in those wars.

What wars has the US fought over land?

The US fought three wars to obtain land: 1. Indian Wars (1620-1890) 2. Mexican War (1846-1848) 3. Spanish-American War 1898

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How do you use the word aggressor in a sentence?

Germany was the aggressor in World War II and France was the victim of there aggression. Aggressor is a noun.

What is the opposite word of a victim?

The opposite of "victim" is "perpetrator" or "aggressor."

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That never happens

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We can no longer hide behind the simplistic canard that Israel is the aggressor and everyone else is the victim.

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aggressor = agresor

Which country was the agressor in gulf war?

In the Gulf Wars of 1980-1988 (the Iran-Iraq War) and the Persian Gulf of 1990-1991 (the Persian Gulf War), Iraq was the aggressor. In the Gulf War of 2003-2011 (the Iraq War), the United States was arguably the aggressor.

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Aggressor Six was created in 1994.

1815 Congress of Vienna severely punished France as the aggressor in the Napoleonic wars?

nope. . .They allowed Napoleon to stay on the throne and go back to pre-conquest France.

What is an aggressor?

An aggressor is a person or country which attacks or makes an aggression to begin hostility.

What is aggressor?

An aggressor is a person or country which attacks or makes an aggression to begin hostility.

Was Darrell Sheets from Storage Wars the victim of a home invasion victim?

Yes it seems that some kids tried to rob his house and were caught in the act.