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Political socialization

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political socialization

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βˆ™ 13y ago

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Q: Individuals learn their political beliefs and attitudes in a process called?
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What was a characteristic of radical reconstruction?

One was that blacks had to pass literacy tests in order to vote. This was one of many impediments set up to frustrate the North in its desire to include freed slaves in the political process.

What happened to the Nazis after WW2?

The Nazi party (NSDAP) was banned by the Allies and its property was seized. There is extensive legislation in place in Germany against any attempt to form new Nazi organizations. Ordinary Party members accounted for about 10% of the German population in 1945. Initially, they had to submit to a process called denazification before they could hold certain kinds of jobs, such as teaching. In many places the process was not thorough, and denazification certificates were nicknamed 'Persil coupons'! Some individuals suspected of war crimes were put on trial, but again the process was nothing like the purge that Churchill and Roosevelt had promised during World War 2.

What is the process called that makes ammonia?

The Harbor process...? i think :) well you can make ammonia using the harbor process.

Which air force risk management process involves 5-step process?

Which Air Force risk management process involves the 5-step process and is used when there is sufficient time to plan an event or activity

Which air force risk management process involves the 5-step process and is used when there is sufficient time to plan an event or activity.?

Which air force risk management process involves the 5-step process and is used when there is sufficient time to plan an event or activity.?

Related questions

Political socialization is the process by which?

Answer this question… individuals acquire their political values and beliefs.

The process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes?

Political socialization is the process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes.

What is the process by which parents and others teach children about the values beliefs and attitudes of a political culture is called?

political socialization

What happens when people go through political socialization?

Individuals going through political socialization develop their understanding of political beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors through various agents such as family, schools, media, and peers. This process shapes their political identity, values, and participation in the political system. Ultimately, political socialization influences how individuals perceive and engage with politics throughout their lives.

The process through which political attitudes are acquired is called?

The process through which political attitudes are acquired is called political socialization. This process involves the transmission of political beliefs, values, and behaviors through social institutions like family, education, media, and peer groups.

The process by which individuals learn a set of political attitudes and form opinions about social issues is known as?

Political Socialization

The process by which your political attitudes are formed by your environment is called?

The process by which your political attitudes are formed by your environment is called political socialization. This includes the influences of family, education, media, peers, and other social institutions on shaping an individual's political beliefs and values.

Political socialization is the process by which your are formed?

political attitudes

What is the process which through political attitudes are called?

Political Socialization

What is The process through which political attitudes are acquired?

Political Socialization

The process through which attitudes are acquired is called?

political socialization.

What is meant by changing attitudes?

Changing attitudes refers to the process of altering individuals' beliefs, opinions, or feelings towards a particular issue, person, or situation. This can involve shifting from a negative to a positive mindset, adopting new perspectives, or reevaluating existing beliefs based on new information or experiences.