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with unsafe machinery

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Q: Industrial workers often labored
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What was Hitler's political party called?

The National Socialist German Workers Party (often abbrieviated to the Nazi Party)In German, it's "Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei", or "NSDAP" Because of the way the word "National" is pronounced in German, "Nazi" became the shortened term for the party.

What did many American Women hold jobs as?

In the wartime they worked doing anything that had to be done. It could have been any job from sorting screws, riveting, making ammo, making bombs, sewing uniforms, making boots, ANYTHING. They also worked as child care workers for the war plant workers. They continued in business and often had to take over for the men who went to war. The women whose husbands owned businesses or farms took them over and ran them with the help of other women or men who were not eligible for military service. They did clerical jobs, ran switchboards, did barbering and hair cutting, worked in stores or even for the government (to replace workers gone to the war). Women were nurses who served in the military, Red Cross or back home in the hospitals.

How did women contribute to the war effort?

They took over many of the jobs that men held. APEX

Why did schindler hire Jewish worker instead of Polish workers both were available?

Originally, Schindler sought to profit from the German invasion of Poland in 1939, buying a factory in Krakow at a low price and employing Jews as cheap "slave" labour, which he was able to do under Nazi rule. Schindler initially hid wealthy Jewish investors, possibly for profit, but later he began shielding his workers without regard to cost. Schindler began actively helping the Jews after witnessing a 1942 raid on the Kraków Ghetto, where soldiers shipped the ghetto inhabitants to the concentration camp at Plaszow. Appalled by the murder of many Jews who had tried to hide, he worked to transfer them to a safer place. He was skilled in persuasive speech and often bribed government officials to avoid being investigated. .

What did woman spies do?

Women often (unfortunately) pretended to like men on the other side to get all their secrets out of them, before reporting what they have found out. Many Gestapo women on the German side often did this to Americans, but the Americans were often aware of what the Gestapo could do.

Related questions

4. Industrial workers often labored?

with unsafe machinery.... connections ftw

What factors made it difficult for poor laborers to succeed within the free-enterprise system?

Workers labored in poor working conditions that often left them sick or disabled.Answer this question… Workers labored in poor working conditions that often left them sick or disabled.

what factors made it difficult for poor laborers to succeed within the free enterprise system?

Workers labored in poor working conditions that often left them sick or disabled

What was the housing like in the Industrial Revolution?

During the Industrial Revolution, housing for workers was often overcrowded, poorly constructed, and lacked proper sanitation. Many workers lived in tenements or slums located near factories, leading to unsanitary and unsafe living conditions. Workers and their families often lived in cramped quarters with limited access to clean water and proper ventilation.

Why labor unions where organized?

Labour Unions were originally formed (mainly) during the Industrial Revolution. By banding together, unions tried to help the often downtrodden and underpaid workers. Workers who were often forced to work long hours in cotton mills, or down coal-mines, etc, and had no security of employment.

What is the name of the labor system that required workers to perform repetitive tasks for long hours in often dangerous working conditions?

Many factories in the early Industrial Age were that way.

Which is the correct definition of the term proletariat?

The proletariat refers to the social class that sells their labor in order to earn a living wage. This term is often associated with industrial workers who do not own the means of production.

Where did most of the workers live in the 1850s?

In the 1850s, many workers lived in urban areas where the industrial revolution was taking place. They often lived in crowded and unsanitary conditions in tenements close to their workplaces. These urban neighborhoods were home to a large portion of the working class during this time period.

What was working conditions Industrial Revolution adult workers?

During the Industrial Revolution, working conditions for adult workers were often harsh and dangerous. They typically worked long hours, often 12 to 16 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week, in crowded and poorly ventilated factories. There were minimal safety regulations, resulting in frequent accidents and injuries. The pay was low, and workers had limited rights and protections.

Industrialization was criticized for the damage it did to the environment. How did this pollution relate to the treatment of workers?

Pollution caused an increase in health risks for workers.

Where did the new workers usually live?

New workers often lived in company-provided housing or in nearby affordable accommodations such as boarding houses or apartments close to their workplace. This pattern was common in industrial areas and company towns to ensure a ready workforce.

How did industrialization revolution affect women and children?

The Industrial Revolution led to large numbers of women and children working in factories. They often performed dangerous work for low pay, as did adult male factory workers.