No he killed 6 million Jews.
Hitler was no leader. he was a murderer ruthless. evil, Satan incarnate,
Germans hate him more than UK. best thing Hitler ever did was Die,
Klara Hitler was the Mother of Adolf Hitler and Paula.When hitlers father died she took on taking roll as the supervisor of Adolf Hitler and his sister Paula.
Hitler learned that people will believe a big lie.
Yes, Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party
hitler was a horable man he killed jews and their familys, blacks, homosexuals, he even killed his self with a pill and a gun that is not a good leader that is a bad leader.
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in the town of Braunau am Inn, Austria to Alois and Klara Hitler. Adolf was the fourth of six children born to Alois and Klara, but only one of two to survive childhood.Adolf's father, Alois, had changed his name from Schicklgruber to Hitler in 1876, on other words, 13 years before AH was born.(In World War 2 Allied propaganda had great fun with the name Schicklgruber, but it was of course only propaganda).
Hitler is good man in the world
Hitler was an AMAZING dictator, sure he had bad ideas, but he brought a whole new military style and weapons to the world, if it wasn't for Hitler, we would not have as good of military technology
Well, good examples would be Al Capone, wretched mafia leader, Adolf Hitler, insane German leader, and Osama Binladen, terrorist leader.
He was a good leader for Germany as he brought its economy and people back, but he also did many bad things that unfortunately overpower the good he did.
Klara Hitler was the Mother of Adolf Hitler and Paula.When hitlers father died she took on taking roll as the supervisor of Adolf Hitler and his sister Paula.
yes he was good as hell
No. He was genocidal monster.
Hitler learned that people will believe a big lie.
There is a good picture at link below.
He was a very good public speaker.
Yes. Adolf Hitler was baptised in the Roman Catholic church.
Hitler had lots of qualities, most of them weren't very good though.