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It would depend on which 'army' you are referring to. Generally, a Field Marshall is the highest rank in an army.

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Q: Is Field Marshall higher than General?
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Why was field marshal haig a good leader?

Field Marshall Haig was also considered a good leader rather than being a butcher because of two reasons. Firstly, he knew what he had to do to save the country, he sacrificed the lives of the soldiers to protect the other thousand lives in Britain. This is shown when Field Marshall Haig says, " losses are bound to be heavy on both sides, for in the price of victory is paid." Moreover, this is portrayed when Field Marshall Haig encourages his men when he says, " no superiority of arms and ammunition however great will enable victories to be won without sacrifice of men's lives." Secondly, the methods he used in the war were very wise and in line with that period of time. Other than that he was a total butcher because he sent thousands to their deaths and spoke about it like if it was no big deal, in my opinion he was not a great leader.

Is a Major in the Air Force a higher rank than a Lt. Colonel?

no Lt. Colonel is higher Air Force Ranks: 2nd Lt, 1st Lt, Capt, Major, Lt Col, Col, Brig. Gen., Lt. Gen., Maj. Gen., General, then General of the air force ( which is like a 5 star general and normally only during time of war there will be one Dear Mr. William Galloway, With due respect to you, Mr. Galloway, I think Lt. General is one rank higher than Maj. General. In the order that you have mentioned the ranks in your posting, it appears that it is the other way. As far as my knowledge is concerned, a major general carries two stars while a lieutenant general carries three, a full pledge general, four. A brigadier general one. You are right on five-star general. As you surely know, among five-star generals were Gen. Omar Bradley, Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Pres. Dwight Eisenhower, to name just three.

What was the long-range plan that helped Europe recover from World War 2?

Europe following World War Two was in economic ruin. Six years of fighting had left the economies of Europe devastated. To counter-act this, United States State Department developed "The Marshall Plan" (officially known as the European Recovery Program), which involved the United States giving $17 billion in economic support to European countries following the war. The plan was put into action in April 1948, and helped spur on an incredible recovery of Europe's economies.

Did the french support Hitler?

In general, no, the French did NOT support Hitler. However, there were a pocket of French that believed they could not stop the Germans, so better to cooperate than to get beat. Among them were Henri' Petain, General of WWI, with honors. Gen. Petain became Marshall Petain and headed up the Nazi puppet government in Vichy, France. The French ran an elaborate underground reistance headed by Charles DeGaulle from England via radio.

What rank was George McClelland in the American Civil War?

McClellan was a Major General ("two star general"). The Yankees had no one of higher rank than two stars, on the grounds that Washington had been a three star general, and nobody was as good as Washington, until Lincoln promoted Grant to three stars in 1864, so there would be no question that Grant outranked everybody and was in command. Grant was the only three star officer for the north - he was THE Lieutenant General. The south had 30 or so three stars and eight four stars.

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Is there a ranking higher than a general?

depending on what level the general is (O-7 thru O-10) there should be. The highest rank in general is General of the Army/Air Force/ etc. Above that is the Commander in Chief also known as the President of the United States.

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This is when the demand meets supply (in business sense) but on a general level it's an equal playing field,neither is higher or lower than the other one.

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Marshal (Marechal)

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Holding yourself to a higher standard than the general public basically means not doing anything illegally, like fighting, drinking and driving, or doing drugs.

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No. As a general rule, factors cannot be higher than the numbers they are compared to.

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The ranks probably originated in the 18th Century as armies became larger. My guess is that the rank of major general was created first to outrank the general of a brigade, or brigadier general as it was later known, and lt. general was created to denote a general who next in line to become as a general as a lt. governor is next in line to be a governor, but I do not know for sure. Today, a major general usually commands a division, and a lt. general usually commands a corps, but a major in the army is still higher than a lt.

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Is a field marshal higher than a submarine captain?

Yes. A field marshal is a higher rank than ordinary flag officers (generals, admirals). A modern submarine captain will be a commander (CDR) 2 ranks below flag rank. During World War 2, many US submarine captains were lieutenants and lieutenant commanders.