A veteran is someone who fought in a war as part of an army or unit.
You are a Vietnam Era Veteran but not a Vietnam War Veteran
Only the VA can answer that question; it's their rules.
In the sentence "Honor our army veterans" there is no better word In the sentence "He's a veteran of his field" you can say experienced or long time member
He's a soldier in the army who has served in Iraq for three years.
Beginning service when the war was going on is considered Vietnam "Era." A veteran doesn't have to serve "in country" to meet "Era" status.
Yes, if you served, you are a veteran.
Army doctors are not necessarily veterans, as being a veteran refers to someone who has served in the military and completed their military service. However, some army doctors may be veterans if they have served in the military in addition to their medical training and practice.
Yes, he served in the Army from 1958-60.
Depends how long. If you served 180 days or more of active duty, yes.
Someone who served as a veteran in the armed forces. EX. Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps US Coast Guard Out of curiosity I'm joining the Army
He is a Vietnam Era Veteran.
You are a Vietnam Era Veteran but not a Vietnam War Veteran
a veteran who served in the us army, and department of justice bureau of prisons
Yes, you would qualify as a veteran if you served in the Army National Guard for 6 months on active duty between 1962 and 1968.
He was an army veteran that served in Vietnam. He was part of the elite troops that invaded the country and successfully executed their mission and made it home.
well it varied from the pooped on veteran and the other ones but around a fart in a shoe