Yep Manfred Rommel is still alive and is 83 years old.
Yes she could still be alive because she would 71 years old. Uless she died for some reasom , it could be possible but there's a good chance she still is alive!!
Sally Eisner, a holocaust survivor, was born in 1922.
Sally Eisner will turn 91 years old in 2014.
She is from Poland
No, he died on January 3rd, 2005
Sally ride is still alive she's 60. March11,2011
Sally Eisner survived Ukrainian Police by hiding under her bed with her brother and her brother were hiding with a Gentile family. They done chores for the family.
Nobody Sally Ride Is Still Alive !
she is still living and working at stanford!Sally Ride is still alive.
yes, she is!