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Probably the first book on the subject was published in 1946, nearly one year after the bomb went off; "Hiroshima" by John Hersey.

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Date of heroshima attack?

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When was the first city hit with the atomic bomb?

i think is Heroshima

What is history of heroshima?

See website: Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Atomic weapons were first used in war with bombing of?

Heroshima and Nagasaki

Pictures of the devastation of heroshima and nagasaki?

In the realted links I posted the photos.

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What country did America first lunched the atomic bomb?

japan on heroshima and naku saki the bombs were called little man and fat boy japan on heroshima and naku saki the bombs were called little man and fat boy

What 2 cities in Japan had bombs dropped on in World War 2?

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How many people were killed from the atom bomb?

Over 140,00 people were killed in Heroshima, Japan