Many Japanese-Americans fought in WW2 with valor and distinction . They fought in such units as the 100th Infantry Battalion , 442nd Regimental Combat Team , 522nd Field Artillery Battalion and in the Military Intelligence Service .
Japanese Americans born in America are American citizens. The term Japanese Americans means that they are of Japanese decent but live in the US.
An American born Japanese is called "Nikei America-jin" However, this question could also be referring to generations: Issei = First Generation Japanese, one who has immigrated to another country Nisei = Second Generation Japanese, the child of a Japanese immigrant Sansei= Third Generation Japanese, the grandchild of a Japanese immigrant Yonsei= Fourth Generation Japanese, the great-grandchild of a Japanese immigrant
Five things that occurred that led America out of isolationism were the Boxer Rebellion, the Open Door Policy, the Spanish-American War, Japanese-Russian settlement, and the Algecircas Conference.
girls :Anna or Ana can be both American and Japanese names pronounced Ahn-na in Japanese boys: ken is is a common name in both cultures.
Because the Japanese fought to the death. They did not surrender.
Nikkei is generically a person of Japanese heritage. In Japanese, you'd say "Nikkei America-Jin" for Japanese American.
Japanese Americans born in America are American citizens. The term Japanese Americans means that they are of Japanese decent but live in the US.
The Japanese have made many contributions to the Philippines. Some of these contributions include industry, jobs, schools, and health care.
If born in the US, Japanese Americans are American citizens. They have all the rights as every person born in America.
shakespeare was the first president of america and wrote the bill of rights
America was scared that the American Japanese that were living there were spys
No no it was introduced to them by the American's woot God bless America :P
His nationality is American (United States of America, from the State of Hawaii), of Japanese ancestry, which makes his ethnicity Japanese-American.
Sega is a Japanese company, and has three international divisions in America, Australia, and the UK.
America didn't tell Japan how to be governed after WW2
the 2 contributions of is...
what were his contributions to america