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enslaved people and begin an insurrection against slaveholders.

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Q: John Brown's intention in raiding the arsenal at Harpers Ferry was to arm?
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What was john browns intentions in raiding the arsenal at harpers ferry?

id like to know the answer. its for a tests gosh common someone has to know it

What was John Browns goal in his raid on Harpers Frerry?

His intention was to secure weapons, arm the slave, and create a general insurrection.

What was the purpose of john browns raid on the arsenal at harpers ferry Virginia?

The objective was to steal enough weapons to arm slaves and start an uprising in Virginia

John browns famous raid at harpers ferry was in this state?


In which state present day state did john Brown's raid take place?

John Browns Raid took place in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

What was the most important in john browns decision to launch the raid at harpers ferry?

harpers ferry was a hub of trains and canals ,which provided escpe routes.

What was the most important factor john browns decision to launch the raid at harpers ferry?

harpers ferry was a hub of trains and canals ,which provided escpe routes.

What was the first football match on tv in colour in the UK?

The first match shown was a friendly between Arsenal and Arsenal Reserves at Highbury, on 16th September 1937.

Scene of militant abolitionist john browns massacre of proslavery men in 1856?

Harpers Ferry, Virginia

What state did john browns raid on harpers ferry take place?

Virginia - in what is now West Virginia

Why were southerners so angry about john browns attack on harpers ferry?

Because they thought he was trying to do the right thing

Why was john browns raid on harpers ferry important?

So that the slave owners would a lesson on keeping slaves