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Life on the home front was rather hard considering that there was a war going on in there back yard. one thing is i wouldn't want to live there at that dimple shooting through windows and lots of other horrible things. There was Lot's of chores to be done around the house while papa was out in the fight, cleaning the dishes,feeding the animals,takeing care of the house. Yep it was a hard life in deed.

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Men joined the service. Women made uniforms or were nurses. Everyone supported the state or opposed in silence. Money became worthless in the south. Slave Revolts were feared. Union Soldiers took what they wanted and in many cases destroyed everything else.

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Q: Life on the home front during the civil war?
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How did war change life on the home front during the civil war?

It gave slaves more freedom

What problems developed on the union home front during the civil war?

the people that stayed home from the war had a lot of work to do

Why was life on the home front more difficult for southerners?

Life on the home front was more difficult for Southerners because when all the cotton in the South was burned because of the Civil War, the South lost a major part of it's income.

Describe four things about the home front during the civil war?

Four things about the home front during the Civil War include the Home Guard. The Home Guard protected the South's cities, and were responsible for capturing runaway slaves. The Home Guard also caught soldiers that went AWOL or no longer wanted to fight for the South. The home front also saw mobilization of local and state militias, along with people helping to raise funds and armaments for the war effort.

What were some women during the civil war?

in the civil war some women where army nurses while some where spices and some take care of the home and are even in the war front.

Why was life on the front more difficult for southerners?

Life on the home front was more difficult for Southerners because when all the cotton in the South was burned because of the Civil War, the South lost a major part of it's income.

What was the home front during the civil war?

there were tough lives for adults and children many were left immobilized drafts began in 1862 women organized aid societies

What mans home was used during both the first and last major baules of the cilvil war?

Wilmer McClain, "The Civil War began in my front yard, and ended in my parlor."

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the grass died

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