to convey a religious message
observation balloon
water transport
To increase public support for the war
Defeat the German U-boat offensive
what was the purpose of the ATS
portray the spiritual world
observation balloon
The primary purpose of "A Patriot's Creed" written in 1918 was to inspire and rally support for the war effort during World War I. It aimed to instill patriotic values, promote unity, and encourage citizens to work together for the common cause of defending their country.
water transport
It is the longest religious oil painting in the world.
MacArthur and Nimitz
Primary is something that was written by the person who saw what happened.Ex:keela wrote about the world war,and she told her mom this was a primary source because she acutaully lived during the time.
japan and Germany
Tattoos are body decoration. A tattoo is made by staining the skin with special inks. The primary purpose is similar to that of fashionable clothing: to show the world what sort of a person one is.
To increase public support for the war
Cubic is a defense business. Cubic specialises in readying and further strengthening the Militaries of the world for defense. This is their primary purpose.
The purpose of the GATT was to liberalize trade and to negotiate trade concessions among member countriers