There were three battles: 1. James Negley (US) & Edmund K. Smith(CSA) 2. John Wilder (US) & Daniel Hill (CSA) 3. Ulysses Grant (US) & Braxton Bragg (CSA)
General Beauregaurd
During the First Battle of Chattanooga the generals were: Union Major General Buell and Confederate Brigadier Generals Morgan and Forrest; during the Second Battle: Union Major General Rosencrans and Confederate Braxton Bragg; during the third one: Union Major General Grant and Confederate Braxton Bragg.
Joseph Hooker and Robert Lee.
The two generals who fought at The battle of Bull Run were General Lee and General Jackson.
Total of 6 main allied generals 5 American and 1 British under the command of American General Eisenhower. Total of 5 main German generals under the command of Adolf Hitler. There were other generals as well, but these were directly involved in the direction of the battle, the others served under the command of the main generals.
General Thomas Gage
Generals Goering and Dowding were involved in the Battle of Britain.
The Battle of Chantilly was the battle that took the lives of two Union generals. Generals Issac Stephens and Philip Kearny were killed on September 1, 1862.
Ironclads are boats. Admirals usually command navies, not generals.
General Beauregaurd
General Beauregaurd
Jackson and Lee
Gorge Washington, his generals, and their soldiers
John D'emerie