The Union States were: * California * Connecticut * Illinois * Indiana * Iowa * Kansas * Maine * Massachusetts * Michigan * Minnesota * Nevada * New Hampshire * New Jersey * New York * Ohio * Oregon * Pennsylvania * Rhode Island * Vermont * Wisconsin ]The Related Link goes to a map or you can go to, click "images" in the top left corner, then type "Union States Map" in the search box and you'll find hundreds of maps of the US during the Civil War.
Contact the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum at the link below. They would have the map of that camp or can tell you how to obtain one.
The Union was made up of twenty states at the beginning of the US Civil War, and would grow to twenty two by 1864 with the addition of West Virginia (June 1863) and Nevada (October 31, 1864). There were also three border states that remained marginally loyal to the United States. The Confederacy only had eleven states. See the link below for a map of both nations.
Every map needs a compass rose on it to tell direction.
it tells were you are
There are 50 states on the map of the United States.
A Political map.
political party map
A map of the 50 states is located in the link below.
A political map
See related links below for a map of the South Atlantic states.
world map
A state map is a map with the states of U.S.A. on it. This includes a time zone map, a radar map, a precipitation map or any other.
United states map
states as in u.s?
A political map is one that shows the borders of countries and states.