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Many medical experiments were performed during the Holocaust. Josef Mengle sewed Jewish twins together to make Siamese twins, but that wasn't all that he did. He also froze them to see how long they could stay in cold water. Many Nazis were involved in trying to transplant bone, muscle, and tissue. The doctors tried to find antibiotics to gas gangrene by creating battle like wounds on victims and then infecting them, they would rub sawdust dust, glass and wood all in these wounds. Jews were used to perfect methods of torture, and to perfect methods of execution. Experiments were harsh, and unprecedented.

Did you Know that not all of the doctors in concentration camps were actually licensed? They performed experiments while drunk, and angry. Half of their research was biased and probably not up to par in the medical world today.

On December 9th 1946 there was a trial held were many Nazi physicians were prosecuted for crimes against war and crimes against humanity.

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13y ago
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14y ago

At death camps like Auschwitz children did not fare well: they were often killed upon arrival. Children born in the camps were generally killed on the spot, especially if the child was Jewish.

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14y ago

they were usually killed along with the females only the adoloscent boys and older males were kept alive to do work i studied this last year so i know


you are of course asking about the children who were not killed:

there were two major categories of children who were not killed; those who were in the 'family camps', like the Gypsy camp in Auschwitz II and those who were specifically kept alive for medical experiments.

When they were not needed for experimentation, or were recovering they were allowed to play within the confines of their camp.

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14y ago

Some victims got sewn (or stitch you may say) together, twins would be examined then get injected with poison in the heart then they make sure they die at the same time and dissect the twins and send their organs to researchers. Others were freezed to death and some were placed in hot baths that gone to hot for the body and you'd die. I'm assuming they were trying to see the lowest and highest temperature someone can survive with.

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15y ago

Holocaust victims went through a horrible experience of starvation, gassings, and torture by being hit by blunt objects. They were also injected with drugs.

They also would make there prisoners lay in ice water bath tubs for up to 3 hours. Or make them go out in below zero weather naked. they also tried to figure out a way to make salt water drinkable, so they would load them with chemicals and make them drink, usually causing death. They did altitude testing also, to see how high they would make it without oxygen.

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10y ago

During the holocaust, there were mostly medical experiments done on children. This included brain mapping, and experiments to see the reactions of the human body to medications.

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14y ago

yes, there were lots of them, most main camps had MEs that would perform them.

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Q: Medical experiments in the holocaust
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How many people were killed by firing squads during the holocaust?

About 2 million half of which were not Jewish.Similar numbers of Chinese and Asian people were subjected to experimentation by Germanys ally Japan but no action was taken in a deal that gave the USA the results gained from these crimes.___No, the number of Holocaust victims killed by medical experiments is usually given as about 18,000. It is a big mistake to think of it as a major method of killing in the Holocaust.

What are some positive outcomes of the Holocaust?

Not to the people who were killed or their families. I can't believe you are asking this, but yes, I can think of one thing. We know what evil is and we have an example to point to. When someone tells you "You can't solve any problems with violence" you can say "What about the Holocaust? How do you stop Hitler without violence?"

Who were the main scientists during the Holocaust?

Some of the scientists included Dr. Sigmund Rasche who conducted freezing and hypothermia experiments and Dr. Josef Mengele who conducted experiments on twins which included dissecting them then comparing they're body parts. These are some of the most famous scientists because of they're grusome experiments on innocent people.

What are the best books about Hitler holocoust aryan race and experiments made by Joseph mengele?

The best book about Hitler, the Holocaust, the Aryan race and experiments made by Joseph Mengele is "Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz".

What would the holocaust do to the twins?

as often as not they would be sent to Auschwitz or another place of medical experimentation that had called for twins to work with.

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On what grounds do you believe that the experiments and results are currently a secret?

What happened if a person survived medical experiments during the holocaust?

They would then be killed, sooner rather than later.

What happened to the victims of the Holocaust who were sent to camps?

They were either killed on arrival or had to work as slave labourers. A few were used for 'medical' experiments.

What is a word that starts with M that deals with the holocaust?

Mauthausen. Moll. Mass Murder. Medical experiments. Madagascar. Majdanek. Muller (Filip). Mischlinge.

who done experiments on holocaust victims?

Nazi Germany.

How many people were killed by firing squads during the holocaust?

About 2 million half of which were not Jewish.Similar numbers of Chinese and Asian people were subjected to experimentation by Germanys ally Japan but no action was taken in a deal that gave the USA the results gained from these crimes.___No, the number of Holocaust victims killed by medical experiments is usually given as about 18,000. It is a big mistake to think of it as a major method of killing in the Holocaust.

Were there any human experiments in the holocaust in the concentration camp majdanek?

No human experiments was taken place at majdanek.

What made the Nazi's start the medical experiments from the holocaust?

The reason for the medical experiments was for Hitler to improve his "master race". He wanted also to determine the best ways for his troops to survive in battle. It is also true that he wanted to inflict suffering and degradation on Jews and other minorities, like gypsies and other "abnormal" people.

What German exsperemented on twins in the holocaust?

Dr Mengele specialised in experiments on twins.

Who is Dr. Mengele in Night?

Dr. Josef Mengele was a Nazi doctor who conducted inhumane medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz during the Holocaust. In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, Mengele is portrayed as a cruel and sadistic figure who symbolizes the horrors of the Holocaust.

Methods used to kill children of the holocaust?

Gassed to death or by Lethal injections from experiments