M16 rifles; 81mm mortar, M48 Patton tanks, M113 APC/ACAV (Armored Personnel Carrier/Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle), Swift Boats (PCF), UH-1 Huey helicopters, Cobra helicopters, F4 Phantom jets, and B-52 bombers.
The U.S used no nuclear weapons whatsoever on Vietnam.
More powerful weapons
The US was the leader in the fight against communism. Consequently, the US led the way in Vietnam with the most troops, and the most weapons and equipment.
The most common request made by US commanders during the Vietnam War, was a constant request to the President for: More men. (40,000 men a month were being drafted by 1968). This was called the "escalation of the war."
I don't think anyone did.
No, Vietnam was LIMITED to conventional weapons only. A limited war.
Nuclear weapons were not used in the Vietnam War.
Nuclear weapons were not used during the Vietnam war
See answer below.
The U.S used no nuclear weapons whatsoever on Vietnam.
The weapons the US Government provided. In the early years of the war the were furnished WWII era weapons, later, were provided the same mat
The US tested napalm, bombs and chemical weapons on the Vietnam civilians.
The weapons were a k47s and rpgs. most common the rpd or m4 carbine.
More powerful weapons