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They were DRAFT appointees

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Q: Most of the union officers were what kind of appointees?
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What kind of racism did black soldiers experience in the union army during the civil war?

African Americans were formed into Jim Crow units under white officers. To begin with they received less pay than their white counterparts, but that Congress eventually remedied that. Like slaves, soldiers could be flogged for infractions of the military code.

Commander of union forces?

General-in-Chief at the outbreak of the war was the elderly Winfield Scott, who would clearly have to retire before long. Although too old for any kind of active role, he was one of the few officers on either side who realized that it would be a long war, and his original plan - derided for its slowness - was more-or-less than plan that the Union eventually followed. Commander of Union troops in the first pitched battle was the unfortunate Irvin McDowell, who knew his army was not ready for combat, but was pushed into it by politicians and press, hungry for action.

What kind of uniforms did the union soldiers wear in the civil war?

dark blue, pants and a sports coat sort of.

How did the south manage to fight off the north for 4 years during the civil war?

Because they had certain advantages over the Union: Some of the best officers of the US Army had resigned to join the Confederates. Traditional advantage in cavalry - most young Southerners could ride and shoot Officer class - the army was a more natural choice of career for sons of rural landowners than in the industrial North. Rank-&-file - a more soldierlike breed, a generally aggressive kind of people Home-ground advantage - most battles were on terrain unfamiliar to the enemy Stronger war-mission - to defend the homeland against the invader. Their President did not have to face an election in mid-war, as Lincoln did. Sherman was one of the few who guessed it would be a long war. But he said that Union victory would be inevitable in the end.

What kind of warfare did most American servicemen enagage in?

Trench Warfare

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In most cases all laws apply to police and non-police both. Some laws have specific exemptions for police.

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Most British officers carried the British Webley .38. -Some had a .455 version instead.

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