in the subways because it was under ground.
They called it the blitz.
Yes, there were a number of Zepplin bombing raids on England during the war.
Statistics of Bomber Raids on London Daylight Raids 8 Night Raids 19 TOTAL = 27 Tonnage = 111,935 kgs British Casualties Killed 835 Injured 1,972 Bombers shot down 24 Bombers lostor damaged 36 Bombers crashed 2 British aircraft shot down 6 (German bombers claimed 10) British aircraft lost or crashed 10 >>>British Casualties
Many parts of Germany were completely or majoritarily destroyed by Allied Bombing Raids or the invasion forces in 1944 and 1945. Most notably, Dresden was firebombed a such strong way that it has been described by some as an Allied War Crime. Of course, the Allied Bombing Raids were a result of the German-caused World War 2, but German civilians and cities still suffered.
The Blitz refers to German bombing raids on cities during WW2
Most well-established German cities (ie; Berlin, Braunschweig, etc) had been reduced to rubble by allied bombing raids as the war came to it's final chapter.
3 to 4 years long
in the subways because it was under ground.
YES. The Royal Air Force defeated the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, and staged night bombing raids on german cities. The RAF flew Spitfires, Hurricanes, Lancasters, Wellingtons, Halifaxes, Mosquitoes and other aircraft.
The "blitz" severe German bombing raids on the city of London was mainly in 1940.
They called it the blitz.
In World War II The answer could be Radar. The Home Chain System provided valuable advance warning of German sorties and bombing raids.
Yes, there were a number of Zepplin bombing raids on England during the war.
The Blitz (abbreviated from the German word blitzkrieg (lightning war)
Baedeker. The Baedeker Blitz or Baedeker raidswere a series of Vergeltungsangriffe ("retaliatory raids") by the German Luftwaffe April-June 1942 after the British RAF bombed German cities that had cultural significance. The targets selected by Germany to bomb in England were considered to be on the Baedeker tour guide list of places to see in peacetime.