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The dive bomber was the Junkers Ju 87; but the German for Dive Bomber is Sturzkampfflugzeug. Germans were very fond of their own type of acronym, using the first syllable of a word rather than its initial letter; thus, Geheim Staatspolizeibecomes Gestapo, and Sturzkampfflugzeug becomes Stuka.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

There was the Junkers Ju 87 dive-bomber or Stuka (from Sturzkampfflugzeug, "dive bomber") , Heinkel He 111 ,

Bombers and ground attack :

Arado Ar 234 Blitz, jet bomber

Blohm & Voss Ha 140 torpedo bomber flying-boat (prototype)

Dornier Do 11, (Do F) 1931 medium bomber

Dornier Do 13, 1933 medium bomber (prototype)

Dornier Do 17, Fliegender Bleistift, mail-plane/bomber/reconnaissance/night-fighter

Dornier Do 18, 1935 bomber/reconnaissance flying-boat

Dornier Do 19, Ural Bomber design competitor (prototype)

Dornier Do 22, torpedo bomber/maritime reconnaissance

Dornier Do 23, medium bomber

Dornier Do 215, bomber/night-fighter

Dornier Do 217, bomber/night-fighter

Dornier Do 317, Bomber B design competitor (prototype)

Fieseler Fi 98, 1936 biplane ground attack (prototype)

Fieseler Fi 167, ship-borne torpedo bomber biplane

Focke-Wulf Fw 191, Bomber B design competitor (prototype)

Heinkel He 45, bomber/trainer

Heinkel He 50, reconnaissance/dive bomber biplane

Heinkel He 111, primary medium bomber in service

Heinkel He 177 Greif, only operational long-range heavy bomber of the Luftwaffe

Heinkel He 274, high-altitude bomber (prototypes completed by French)

Heinkel He 277 never-built Amerika Bomber, heavy bomber (project)

Heinkel He 343, never-built jet bomber (project)

Henschel Hs 123, ground-attack biplane

Henschel Hs 127, bomber (prototype)

Henschel Hs 128, high altitude reconnaissance bomber (prototype)

Henschel Hs 129, ground-attack

Henschel Hs 130, high altitude reconnaissance bomber and Bomber B design competitor (prototype)

Henschel Hs 132, jet dive bomber (prototype)

Junkers Ju 86, bomber reconnaissance

Junkers Ju 87 Stuka, dive-bomber

Junkers Ju 88, bomber/reconnaissance/night-fighter

Junkers Ju 89, Ural Bomber design competitor (prototype)

Junkers Ju 90, bomber (prototype)

Junkers Ju 187, dive bomber (prototype)

Junkers Ju 188 Rächer, bomber

Junkers Ju 287, heavy jet bomber (prototype)

Junkers Ju 288, Bomber B design competitor (prototype)

Junkers Ju 290, long-range bomber (prototype)

Junkers Ju 390 Amerika Bomber, heavy bomber (prototype)

Junkers Ju 488, heavy bomber (project)

Junkers EF 132, heavy bomber (project)

Messerschmitt Bf 162, bomber (prototype)

Messerschmitt Me 264 Amerika Bomber, heavy bomber (prototype)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

ju 87 stuka

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Q: Name given to the German dive bombers?
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What are dive bombers?

dive bombers dive at a steep angle and drop their bombs as they near the ship

What weapons were used in the battle of the coral sea?

Warships from both sides were using their ship's AAA (Anti-Aircraft Artillery). The fighting occurred strictly between warplanes: Fighters, Dive Bombers, and Torpedoe Bombers. Planes fought planes, and planes ATTACKED ships.

What country had the first bomber plane?

the German Luftwaffe, meaning airforce devoloped the first dive bombers It may not be known which country used aerial bombing first, but Germany in WWI may have been the first with their zeppelins. They also had a bomber called the Gotha, and other WWI countries had similar bombers. The first heavier-than-air bombers were two-place scout aircraft. The pilot flew the plane over the target, and the observer threw the bombs out by hand. It worked, and gave way to more sophisticated systems before WWI ended. The single-engine bombers carried bombs under their wings, and larger two- and four-engine bombers carried them internally in a bomb bay. * The German dive bomber, the Junkers 88 (Stuka), was inspired by a US bomber, the Curtiss Shrike. General Udet saw the plane demonstrated and wanted ones like it for his air force, but dive-bombing was already in use. These types of bombers had much success in WWII by several countries, but they were dispensed with after the war. Other types of bombers, both tactical and strategic, are still in use today.

What aircrafts were in World War 2?

IJN Kate torpedo planes USN Avenger torpedo planes IJN Val dive bombers USN Dauntless dive bombers IJN Zero fighters USN Hellcat fighters (Specifically designed by Grumman to kill the Zero)

What were the bombs and torpedoes used by the planes at the Battle of Midway called?

Standard aerial general purpose H-E & Armor piercing bombs, and aerial torpedoes. If you're looking for model/type numbers, then you would need to look up on the websites the actual machines, which would state what type of ordnance they would carry: For the IJN Kate Torpedo bombers & Val Dive Bombers. For the USN, Vindicator & Dauntless Dive bombers; Devastator & Avenger Torpedo Bombers.

Related questions

What are the Names of German bombers in the blitz?

The Junkers but its also called the German dive bombers! :)

What are dive bombers?

dive bombers dive at a steep angle and drop their bombs as they near the ship

What equipment did the Americans use for the Battle of Midway?

USN: Vindicator & Dauntless dive bombers; Devastator & Avenger torpedo bombers; wildcat fighters. IJN: Val dive bombers; Kate torpedo bombers; and Zero fighters.

What other aircrafts were used in the Battle of Midway?

USN: Vindicator & Dauntless Dive Bombers; Devastator & Avenger Torpedo Bombers; Wildcat fighters. IJN: Val Dive Bombers; Kate Torpedo Bombers; Zero fighters.

Do Sttuka Dive bombers have machine guns?

Yes they did.

What types of airplanes were there in World War 2?

Fighters (Hellcats); Dive Bombers (Dauntless); Torpedo Bombers (Avengers); Medium Bombers (Mitchells); Heavy Bombers (Superfortress).

What were the arms that were used during the Battle of Midway?

Ship's AAA, dive bombers, torpedo bombers, and fighters.

What weapons did they use buring the bombing of pearl harbor?

VAL Dive Bombers, KATE Torpedo Bombers, and ZERO Fighters.

What is a dives?

A dive bomber is a bomber aircraft that dives directly at its targets in order to provide greater accuracy and limit the exposure to and effectiveness of anti-aircraft fire. Used in World War II, they were used in the Battle of Britain. Hitler was going to use his German Dive Bombers, also known as Stuka Dive Bombers, to invade Britain, but Britains radar, a revolutionary object for the time, succesfully stopped Hitlers invasion of Britain.

What were the specific contributions of the attack at Pearl Harbor?

Mini-Subs launched from mother ships; dive bombers, torpedo bombers, and fighters.

What one engined bombers were used in World War 2?

There are many single engine aircraft used as dive bombers and torpedo bombers that could be cited if this were the aim of the question - was it?

What weapons were used in the battle of the coral sea?

Warships from both sides were using their ship's AAA (Anti-Aircraft Artillery). The fighting occurred strictly between warplanes: Fighters, Dive Bombers, and Torpedoe Bombers. Planes fought planes, and planes ATTACKED ships.