The Nazi Secret Police were called the Gestapo. They carried out police duties, investigations, arrests and jailing of offenders. They were like an extremely cruel FBI or Scotland Yard. They could kill at will and they had to cooperate with the Waffen SS. See related links below.
Hitler's secret police was the Gestapo. It tracked down anyone that was trying to go against Hitler in Germany. It had updated files of anyone, and 10s of 1000s of ordinary Germans would report to the Gestapo about anyone. If comments were suspicious to Hitler's secret police, they would execute, interrogate, torture, and/or imprison people.
what is the answer to hitlers foster child's nameon police rural rampage?....
The Nazi secret police were the Geheime Staats Polizei; which was shortened to Gestapo.
They would protect him, like a secret service.
It sounds as if you are thinking of the Gestapo - which was a secret and political police.
Germany's secret police were the "SS". 2nd world war Germany's secret police was " Gestapo " you can pronounce like gastapo.
The "secret annexe" was broken into by the Gestapo, hitlers not-so-secret secret police
It was called the Gestapo and was created by Reinhard Heydrich or ''Himmler's Evil Genius''
what is the answer to hitlers foster child's nameon police rural rampage?....
What is the name of the secret police in Russia from 1954 to 1991?
GeStaPo (Geheime Staatspolizei -> Secret State Police)
Yes there was one and on many occasions they were brutal. (1st)Actually, the Gestapo was the secret police, and they would do harsh and cruel things for going against Hitler in any given way. (my answer)
Cheka was a name for the Soviets Secret Police.
The Sureto
The "Citizen Corps"
The East German secret police was called the Stasi - short for Staatssicherheit (State Security).