Over 3,000 Pennsylvania men were killed in Vietnam. See website: Vietnam War Casualties by state, for their names.
Don't be ridiculous there were over 22 million in World War II, the US Army alone had nearly 600,000. There were over 2 million in the Vietnam War. See the link below for country details.
The South Vietnamese referred to Communists LIVING in "South Vietnam" as the Viet Cong. Not to be confused with enemy soldiers entering South Vietnam FROM North Vietnam, the NVA (North Viet Army).
The NFL (National Football League) had nothing to do with the Vietnam war. The ARVNs were South Vietnamese soldiers; ARVN stood for Army Republic of South Vietnam.
NVA-North Viet Army ARVN-Army Republic South Vietnam During the Civil war, the South were the Confederates, and the North were the Union
It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.It is actually ARVN meaning Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
At least 153,303 were wounded seriously enough to require hospitalization. Add to that the 58,152 that were wounded and died and you have 211,455. This does not include the number wounded, treated in the field and returned to duty.
Taking care of wounded soldiers.
Counting airmen, marines, coast guardsmen, US sailors and US soldiers (Army); over 58,000 men dead, over 300,000 men wounded.
There are 58,272 names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall.
Don't be ridiculous there were over 22 million in World War II, the US Army alone had nearly 600,000. There were over 2 million in the Vietnam War. See the link below for country details.
All of them - soldier is a term exclusive to the Army, as opposed to Marines, sailors, and Airmen.
58,209 dead. 153,303 wounded. 2,489 were missing in action.
Review the "Vietnam War Memorial Wall" on the website , it will give you the names and home towns, and ages of the more than 58,000 men (Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force, and Coast Guard) and 8 women who died in the Vietnam War.
Because you take care of sick and wounded soldiers
Vietnam vets, collectively. If you're looking for a list of specific names, sorry. That information is private.
The class of soldiers sent to Vietnam was the Marines,Army,and, the Special Ops
Army Wounded Warrior Program was created in 2004.