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Q: On what body of water were many of the battles of war world 2 fought?
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What is Another name for sharpsberg?

I presume you mean the battle of Sharpsburg. The answer is Antietam. The Confederates generally named the battles they fought after the nearest town whereas the Federals usually named battles for the nearest body of water. There were many exceptions to this practice.

What body of water is the bonhomme Richard vs the serapis fought?

The North Sea

What body of water was the Gulf War fought in?

Persian Gulf, although the actual war was fought mostly in Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

What body of water in israel contains the highest concentration of salt in any body of water in the world?

the dead sea is the saltiest body of water in the world.

Which body of water gives its name to a war fought to remove Saddam Hussein from Kuwait?

the gulf

Is there a bottomless body water in the world?

There is no bottomless body of water in the world. Any water area no matter how deep will eventually have a bottom.

What is another southern name for Bull Run?

There were two battles in this general vicinity. The first and second Battles of Bull Run. Northerners usually named battles after the closest body of water, river or creek. Southerners tended to name battles after the nearest town. In the South, these two battles are referred to as First and Second Manassas.

What town was the battle of Shiloh fought in?

It wasn't a town. It was at Pittsburg Landing on the West bank of the Tennessee River. The Union named its battles after the nearest body of water. The Confederates preferred the name of the nearest town. Shiloh Church was the nearest thing to a town, so they called it the battle of Shiloh.

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the world map

Did the Battle of Antietam have another name?

Battle of Sharpsburg, most Civil War Battles had two names one by the North and one by the South. The south called them by the towns near by. The north named battles for the closest body of water.

What is the second largest body of water in the world?

The second largest body of water, I think, is the Atlantic ocean.

What is the world's saltiest body of water?

fish and chips