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Q: One of the many health hazards faced by troops in World War 1 was?
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The common hazards troops faced during world war 1 were?

trench foot that was the most common deseas and hazards. they got trench foot by walking for a long time with wet feet and not getting any rest.

What health and safety risks and hazards might be faced by your customers?

A flu, chemical reaction, etc

What are some of the health hazards faced by truck drivers?

The most common health issue faced by OTR truck drivers is exhaustion, caused by driving for long periods without sleep. If the driver continuously uses drugs to help them stay awake while driving, they run the risk of addiction, as well.

What are some of the hazards humans faced while the building the Panama Canal?

death and cancer

What was a problem American troops faced on D-Day?

They faced 'Rommels Asparagus' on the beaches and extremely heavy gunfire at Omaha.

What were some of the problems the troops faced during the winter of Valley Forge?

The British troops did not suspect anot stack from the patriots.

What were some of the problems that troops faced during the winter at Valley Forge?

The British troops did not suspect anot stack from the patriots.

What were some of the problems that the troops faced during the winter of valley forge?

The British troops did not suspect anot stack from the patriots.

One of the biggest problems facing Washington and his troops was?

One of the biggest problems faced by Washington and his troops were the lack of food and clothing.

What health problemsdid they face on their ruturn?

There are many health problems people faced on their return. They faced sicknesses and diseases from the foreign population they were visiting.

What where some of the problems that troops faced during the winter Valley Forge?

it was cold there

What health challenge do you face?

I am faced with MS.