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According to the "Statistics About the Vietnam War", recommended by the History Channel; two thirds of US servicemen volunteered for the Military/Vietnam. But as any EXPERIENCED historian will tell you, "statistics (data)" can be misleading. Example: During the 1960's when a young man either enlisted or was drafted into the US Army (the army was the most common), his friends would jokingly say to him, "...remember John, Don't Volunteer for nothen!" Or "...remember John, NEVER volunteer!" This was an old joke from the WWII fellows, passed on down to the Korean War veterans, then onto us Vietnam guys. When entering the US Army, stateside or overseas it went like this: "I need three, you, and you." The Sgt then reports to the LT or Captain and says, "I got your three volunteers sir!" On paper, and for historians there's your three volunteers. During the Vietnam War, draftees served 2 years on active duty, with 4 years inactive reserve, OR 6 years Active Reserve/National Guard duty (today it's 8 years). US for a draftee was stamped on his dog tags. RA (Regular Army) was stamped on a volunteer's dog tags. ALL (or most) RA's enlisted for 3 or more years. So how did 2 year RA's get RA stamped on their dog tags? They were drafted and offered the opportunity to volunteer. On paper, and for historians, there's your 2/3% of volunteers in Vietnam. There were TRUE volunteers in Vietnam and the Army. Those figures would have to come from the 3 years or more enlistments. Those are the true volunteers. But those numbers won't be as high; so............................

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Volunteering for the Army: The website; "Statistics about the Vietnam War" will give those figures. However, be advised, that "statistical data" although accurate, can be misleading. Men drafted during the Vietnam War were often given an "option to volunteer." Meaning: instead of having US (Conscripted by US Government) stamped on their dog tags, they'd have the letters RA (Regular Army-which meant he volunteered for the Army) stamped on their dog tags. Translation: He wouldn't have volunteered if he hadn't been drafted in the first place. Drafted men accepted the option of "enlisting" (volunteering) in the hopes of obtaining a better job or duty station...than Vietnam. Volunteering for Vietnam: After entering the US Army; the Army issued a "dream sheet", where he could write down where he would like to be stationed. This form allowed the serviceman to volunteer for Vietnam. When looking at the statistics for "volunteers" the student historian WILL have to consider the TWO categories of "volunteers." Data for volunteering in the Army & data for volunteering for Vietnam. Note* More than A LOT of drafted men volunteered for Vietnam. There attitude was, "Heck...they've got me! Might as well as go there...get it over with!"

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For US personnel: US Navy Riverine crewmen; US Aircrewmen; US Marines; US Army; approximately 25% (1 out of 4 men). It takes an "average" of five men to support one fighting man: 1. Administration (pay, records, etc.) 2. Mechanical (repairs) 3. Medical 4. Supply (food, uniforms, ammunition, fuel, oil, parts) 5. Transportation (truck drivers, aircrewmen flying transportation fixed wing & rotor wing aircraft)

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88.4% Less than 30% per Michael Kelley, Myths and Misconceptions: Vietnam War Folklore, 1998.

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See website: Statistics About the Vietnam War

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74% are glad they served in the war.

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20 percent

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Q: Percentage of troops in Vietnam that saw combat?
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How many Canadian troops were at Dunkirk?

I just saw the movie and it was British and French troops there.

What is a Vietnam Combat Veteran?

It is a veteran who served in the US Military during the time of the Vietnam War without defining the role played within the war itself. It is not saying that they saw combat in Vietnam or that they were even in Asia. Very few who saw actual service in Vietnam would actually use that terminology, preferring something like I was at Dong Ha, or Khe Sahn or Danang. It does not however automatically mean that they did not serve in country.

Did the US send troops to France in World War 1?

The first significant troop deployment by the U.S. Army to France in WW1 was the American Expeditionary Forces, lead by General John Pershing, which began to arrive in early 1918 and first saw combat in the late spring of 1918.

When did the United States take part the Vietnam war?

I don't think there is one. Our involvement was so gradual that you can't fix a date for it. We were diplomatically involved in the original rebellion against the French because of our involvement in WWII. After the establishment of North and South Vietnam we were immediately a supporter of South Vietnam, providing it diplomatic, economic and military aid. President Eisenhower sent a small number (around 50 I think) of military advisors to help the South Vietnamese army. Kennedy incresed the number of advisors and allowed them to begin engaging in conbat. Johnson sent in still more troops, not advisors, and incresed their combat role. Then, after the Gulf of Tonkin incident, he rapidly incresed the number of troops and U.S. forces began doing most of the fighting. Michael Montagne Gulf of Tonkin Aug. 2, 1964 North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the U.S. destroyer, Maddox, in the Gulf of Tonkin. President Johnson ordered air strikes against North Vietnam after a second, unconfirmed attack on the U.S. destroyer C. Turner Joy. Aug. 7, 1964 - Congress approved use of

What were North Vietnam Army tactics of the Vietnam War?

Conquest. the united states saw that japan was taking over north Vietnam and that would become communists and we did not like that. so we went into Vietnam to free north Vietnam of the Japanese.

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What new tricks were used in the Vietnam war?

Anti-tank missiles TOW & SAGGER saw their first combat use in Vietnam in 1972.

What percent of us army ground troops saw combat in VietNam?

Roughly 8% (12 million of the 150 million) served in some branch of the US military at some time during WW2.

Do warplanes fight in every war?

Only since WWI (cloth covered wooden airplanes). Naval warplanes first saw extensive combat in WWII. Jets first saw extensive combat during the Korean War. Helicopters first saw extensive combat in the Vietnam War. Vietnam saw extensive use of all of the above: Bi-plane (WWI type two winged airplanes) used by North Vietnam's fledgling air force; WWII B-26 Invader twin engine bombers, as well as USN Bearcat single engine fighters; the A1 Skyraider dive bomber, although designed and built at the end of WWII did NOT see any action during WWII. Jets and helicopters came of age in the Viet War. Especially the helicopter, the first purpose built Attack Helicopter (the Cobra) was fielded in Vietnam.

Was the A-1 warthog used in the Vietnam war?

Yes and no... The A-1 (Skyraider) was used in the Vietnam war, how ever, it is not the Warthog. The A-10 Thunderbolt is commonly known as the warthog but it first saw combat in the first gulf war in 1991. (It was first deployed in 1976)

Is it true that the first combat action US troops saw in North Africa was against French Vichy troops?

Yes, it was against French Vichy troops in Algeria. The landings in Algeria were made on November 9, 1942. The Moroccan landings were the next day. French resistance was light on both instances.

What does Vietnam not have?

Never saw snow there.

How would you compare the Vietnam policies of Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy?

Eisenhower believed in sending troops, Kennedy did not.

How many Canadian troops were Dunkirk?

I just saw the movie and it was British and French troops there.

How many Canadian troops were at Dunkirk?

I just saw the movie and it was British and French troops there.

When did the first American troops arrive in Europe during World War 2?

The first combat that U.S. troops saw in Europe was the invasion of North Africa, at Morocco, on November 8, 1942. It was called Operation Torch under the command of Lieutenant General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

What war has the most air combat?

Manned flying machines (not balloons, gliders or parachutes) used in combat began about 1911 with the Italians. 1. WWI (1914-1918) was the first general war involving mass numbers of aircraft, globally, including in Asia and Mexico. 2. WWII (beginning with the United States 1941-1945-the US produced more aircraft than all of the combatants combined) was the second general war involving mass numbers of aircraft, again on a global scale. 3. Korean War (1950-1953) saw the first jet clashes. But was restricted to primarily Northern Korea. 4. Vietnam War (1961-1975) saw the most bomb tonnage dropped from any war. But was restricted to primarily SEA (South East Asia-Laos, Cambodia, North Vietnam, and South Vietnam). WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam Wars all saw heavy aerial combat between aircraft (dog-fights between propeller airplanes & jets). However: A. WWII was global. B. WWII involved more nations (countries). C. WWII was fought over oceans with aircraft carriers. WWII saw more aerial combat.

What unit if any of the US Army saw combat in all of North Africa Sicily Italy France Belgium and Germany?

The 36th Engineer Combat Regiment saw combat in all that you list except Belgium. Richard V. Horrell WW 2