

Best Answer
  • States rights
  • The extension of slavery
  • Tariffs
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Q: Sectional rivalries during the period from 1820 to 1860 centered mainly around the issues of?
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What issues did sectional rivalries face during the period from 1820 to 1860?

States rights, Extention of slavery and Tarriffs.

Describe the sectional economic differences in the US during the early 1800's?

Describe the sectional economic differences in the United States during the early 1800s.

Western civilization was located around the?

Depends on time period. During the earliest history of Western Civilization (ancient Rome) it was centered around the Western Mediterranean. During the middle history of Western Civilization (medieval Latin Christendom) it was centered around Europe. During the modern history of Western Civilization (post 1492) it was and still is centered on the Atlantic Ocean due to European colonization of the Americas. Today, the Western world is also known as the "Euro-Atlantic world" because of that.

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These dynastic rivalries divided Europe into separate countries that could not unite to defeat Napolean making his quest for power much easier.

What did presidential candidate during the election of 1860?

Constitutional Party candidate John Bell condemned sectional political parties and sectional strife in the U.S. Senate.

What did presidentail candidate john bell comdem during the election of 1860?

John Bell condemned sectional political parties.

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Pangaea was centered around the equator during the Triassic period, spanning from about 90°N to 60°S latitude.

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The types of industries centered in London during the Victorian time period were:The textile industryCoal miningShip building

What happened during the sectional crisis?

The North and the south were separated into to different societies and had different economic systems

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The Colony was a TV drama that appeared on the Discovery channel during 1999. It centered around the American Revolution, its battles, and the British loss.

How did life change during the industrial revolution?

Life was centered around work in the factories- It took up most of your week. It was cosidered a goal in life to have a good position in a factory.

What did presidential john bell condemn during the election of 1860?

John Bell condemned sectional political parties.