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Sleeping conditions in the front line trenches were very poor. At dusk, the soldiers would "stand to", which meant that they would ready themselves for an enemy attack. When this was over and night had fallen, the hours of darkness gave cover for all kinds of furious activity, usually repairing wire and parapets, which could not take place during the daytime. At dawn, the troops would "stand to" again. Then there would be breakfast (the quality of which depended on the state of the battle and the frequency of supply. After that, some of the troops would be able to catch some sleep, probably on the fire-step, while the sentries kept watch. They would then take turns. Poor conditions, which generally ensure that sleep was infrequent and short.

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Q: Sleeping conditions in the trenches
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It probably sucked...they were in trenches...and trenches collect water...people in the trenches were at risk of getting trench foot...and there were trench rats too....try sleeping in a cold damp muddy hole :)

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For Protection, sleeping, shooting, grenade throwing and eating (sometimes).

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The trenches were Dirty, smelly, horrible places. You had other peoples corpses (dead bodies) everywhere. And there were also rats :(

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they suffered with trench foot and the got lice

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the conditions were horrible. If you want a better description anyone can feel free to change it

What was the trenches like in World War 1?

Answerliving conditions in the trenches are hard why is it hard to live in the trenchesMany of Brittish soldiers died because of disease. The sanitary conditions in the trenches are quite poor, and common infections included dysentery, typhus, and cholera. Many soldiers suffered from parasites and related infections. Poor hygiene also led to fungal conditions.

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Did they eat and sleep in the trenches?

Of course soldiers in the First World War did, though sleeping was probably very difficult.