If u want his number go ask him or stalk him...thats what i did and it worked i got his number!! yay but i an't gonna tell u cause u gotta go through the same thing i did to get his number!!! yay
hand fan, statue of buddha, straw hats
As a student Bradley was an outstanding baseball and football player. He remained a sports fan throughout his life, especially of college football. He was also an avid fan of horse racing. He was a very studious person, and liked to read.
You fan a campfire because fire needs oxygen. Although fanning it would seem like it is blowing it away from existence, since fire needs oxygen, which is in air, the more you blow, the faster it becomes a big fire. Fire takes a while on its own to become a big flame, because it cannot grab a lot of oxygen on its own. That's why we fan fire - to help is grow.
He never said he had a favorite, but he liked director and actress Leni Riefenstahl. She was the official government film maker. He was quite a big fan of movies, and liked watching foreign films as well.
No, The Vietnam War ended in 1975 after the territory of South Vietnam fell to the Northern Socialists. Today Vietnam is a single country based on socialist practices, although they continue to become more capitalistic as time progresses.
What is the mindless boys number
No he is not a fan.
because they dont kno wat there talkin bout
cow boys fan
yes even a dog could be a fan.
Of course. If they like Justin's songs, anyone can be a fan!
What is solja boy's number solja boys fan number is 678-999-8212 call him and leave a message he will call back trust me i did it before! yup its true the number is 678-999-8212
Ray Ray is the fan of the Twilight Saga.
She does not have a fan number.
her phone number is 9724994918.i do not have her fan number.
There is no fan 'phone number.