

Spy tools civil war

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Seduction, telegraph, cipher, hot air balloon

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Q: Spy tools civil war
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Did Rosa parks contribute to the civil war?

No. She was a spy during the Civil War

Was Antonia captured during the civil war?

no Antonia Willard was not captured in the war. she was a confederate spy in the civil war

Was there a Confederate spy named Loretta Boyd?

Yes there was a civil war spy named Loretta Boyd. She began her work in the Civil war as a nurse for the Union. She later became a spy for the Confederate. Her sister, Belle Boyd, was also a spy.

What did Rose Greenhow do in the Civil War?

she was a confederate spy

Who was the first black woman to serve as a spy for the union army during the civil war?

Harriet Tubman served as a spy and scout for the Union Army during the Civil War.

Why is belle important?

because she was a spy in the American civil war

How old did you have to be a spy of the Civil War?

In the civil war they didn't care how old you were. Also you could be a woman or a man. They would even let small children spy. As long as they got info.

Was Elizebeth Van Lew a spy for the north or the south during the civil war?

Elizabeth Van Lew, was a spy for the north during the civil war and if you want to prove it you can look in the history book.

What was hot air balloons usd for in the Civil War?

They were used for reconnaissance of troops in the civil war. They were the first type of "spy" from the air.

Union Spy during the civil war?

peter pooping piper

What was an operative in the civil war?

The term operative usually refers to a spy

Why is belle Boyd important?

because she was a spy in the American civil war