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the answer is 0 because you are only supposing

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Q: Supposing supposing three men were frozen 2 died how many were left?
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Sorry I dont know but it began on the 1st July and ended on the 11th of November at 11:00 hence Rememberence day and 'the eleventh hour' . No, it was 7:30am on the 1st of July 1916. This was after 2 weeks of continuous shelling on the German trenches, supposing to obliterate everything including the hi-tech German machine guns, but only injuring 3 men. It was a slaughter. By the end of the battle on the 14th of November in the same year 432,000 British; 200,000 French and over half a million Germans had died.

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He was preserved by being frozen shortly after he died. This is why he is called the 'Iceman'.

Did Alfred wegner die from being frozen to death?

No. He died of heart failure.

How did Disney die?

He died December 15, 1966 in Burbank, Califorina but some people say he never died he was frozen.

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It was very cold; some even died frozen in the snow!

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No, Walt Disney died from lung cancer.