Like ancient Sparta before it, surrender was not an option. It was considered a disgrace.
United States
To convince the Japanese to surrender
There were no warnings. The Manhattan Project was a secret. This was the name of the research project that developed the atom bomb.
indianapolis. it was sunk by a japanese submarine only a few days after delivering the bomb to tinnian.
It ended WW2, saving possibly hundreds of thousands of Japanese and American lives. The "bomb" saved more Japanese lives than it took. The Japanese on the home islands were dug in and were ready to resist until the last man. The shocking effect the bomb had on the Japanese people left no question in their minds that they had been defeated. Because of this the occupation of Japan under the wisdom and command of General Douglas McCarthur was smooth and relatively short. JPM
The War changed the Americans attitude toward the Japanese because they found out after World War 2 the Japanese Americans were innocent of helping the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor.
Bomb in Japanese is 爆弾 (bakudan).
terrorism, in general with a touch of false hospitality mixed with extreme bomb threats. otherwise they were quite cordial!!!
They suredderd
The Japanese...
Why else would they bomb the harbour?
Hitler didn't bomb Pearl harbor, the Japanese did.
The Atomic Bomb
i think you can unless there is a war.
They had a bomb attack.
No, they were on OUR side.