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It was the biggest commitment of U.S. troops and resources without a formal declaration of war. It solidified the new commitment to a large standing army in the United States.

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it was the biggest commitment of U.S. troops and resources without a formal declaration of war.

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President Monroe's early foreign policy was marked by a desire to improve America's relationship with Britain, resulting in accords that settled border disputes left over from the War of 1812. Monroe's foreign policy was also marked by Indian raids upon settlement in Florida, which he tried to solve by sending General Andrew Jackson to Florida; Jackson promptly overstepped his orders and captured Florida, throwing out the Spanish. The hallmark of his foreign policy was the Monroe Doctrine, in which he declared that the US would not tolerate European recolonization in any part of the Americas.

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What influence did foreign nations have on china from 1912 - 1938?

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