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The United States of America was able to loan more than $10 billion to the allies, during World War II, due to the sale of government war bonds. More than $50 billion of war bonds were sold in the 1940s.

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How many ships did the Allies have in World War 1?

well i dont know the answer thanks for asking me annoying people who would look this up anyway get off the drugs

Did the Allies and the people in the free world know about the events going on in Europe during the Holocaust?

The Allies were well informed thanks to the efforts of the various resistance movements, though information about exact locations did not reach them immediately. However, it seems that they did not really want to know about the Holocaust.

How much did World War I cost?

By the end of world war 1 the United States had spent about $32 billion.United States : $22,625,253,000 Great Britain : $35,334,012,000France : $24,265,583,000Russia : $22,293,950,000Italy : $12,413,998,000Belgium : $1,154,468,000Romania : $1,600,000,000Japan : $40,000,000Serbia : $399,400,000Greece : $270,000,000Canada : $1,665,576,000Australia : $1,423,208,000New Zealand : $378,750,000India : $601,279,000SouthAfrica : $300,000,000British Colonies : $125,000,000Germany : $37,775,000,000Austria-Hungary : $20,622,960,000Turkey : $1,430,000,000Bulgaria : 815,200,000330 billion

Did US rebuild Germany after the war?

Not in the way you might think, no. The United States did give (West) Germany a "hand up" to get on it's feet after World War II with various kinds of aid, yes. Germany was literally flattened into the dust by World War II. Thanks mostly to the industriousness of the German people, and the excellent leadership of Konrad Adenauer, their recovery was almost miraculous.

What was Opertaion Sea Lion?

Operation Sea Lion was the German Plan to invade the United Kingdom in 1940. But thanks to the Battle of Britain, the Germans never obtained the air superiority they needed for this to happen.

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Spain doesn't celebrate thanksgiving. only the Unites States does. thanksgiving is to celebrate the arrival of the pilgrams to the united states.

How was the US effected by the cold war?

Thanks to the "Space Race" the United States put a man on the moon in 1969!

Who many pigs per acre thanks?

A billion!

Who were the Axis and who were the Allies in World War 2?

The Axis were- Germany, Japan, and Italy The Allies were- America, Britan, Soviets,Chinese,French and the Australians. Thanks for the question.

How many 100000000 in fifty billion?

guess what????? i have no idea haha sorry that i dont have an answer!!!! thanks guess what????? i have no idea haha sorry that i dont have an answer!!!! thanks

How many grizzly bears are there left?

estimates that in the lower United States, there are probably fewer than 700-900 grizzles x Thanks Chanelle xx

Does Empire and allies have virus on facebook?

i have had 3 cpus and all break thanks to EA don't play it

How many times the the word Thanksgiving appear in the bible?

In the Bible, it talks about giving thanks, but it doesn't use the term 'thanksgiving' because that word was created by the United States.

How many times the word thanksgiving appeared in the Bible.?

In The Bible, it talks about giving thanks, but it doesn't use the term 'Thanksgiving' because that word was created by the United States.

What is the religion of Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is a National Holiday in the United States and Canada. It is not a religious observance, though the majority of the originators were Christian. It is a time for all people to give thanks for the things that they have.