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Q: The doctrine of prior restraint is most closely associated with what other issue?
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Which issue is most closely associated with abolitionist?

Abolitionists were most closely associated with the issue of ending slavery in the United States. They believed that slavery was morally wrong and actively campaigned for its abolition through various means, such as protests, literature, and political advocacy.

What was the issue around the Webster-Hayne Debate?

It was the doctrine of nullification

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I believe the colour most closely associated with St John the Baptist is red. Whether or not it was his favourite is the topic of much theological debate and is an issue that still divides the Church.

Why did John Quincy Adams urge the president to issue the Monroe Doctrine?

couze thre were unicorn bad unicorn who killled people and they need to be safe so they issue the monroe doctrine

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It did not seem to be judicial activism as there wasn't a larger issue at hand. Rather, the final decision appears historically to be judicial partisanship.

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the problem, or issue of a story.

Required stations to guarantee airtime to both sides of a controversial issue?

Fairness Doctrine

What was the issue in the Monroe Doctrine?

That European countries will NO LONGER attempt to colonize in the Western Hemisphere.

What did James Monroe issue?

The Monroe Doctrine (written mainly by John Quincy Adams)

What led president James monroe to issue the monroe doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine's purpose was to prevent colonization of the United states.

What document did James Monroe issue?

The Monroe Doctrine (written mainly by John Quincy Adams)

What 19th century politician is most closely associated with the idea of popular sovereignty?

The Democratic senator from Illinois, Stephen Douglas is most associated with the idea of popular sovereignty. His Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 allowed citizens in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to vote on the slavery issue before the territory applied for statehood.