The Oath of Enlistment for all military personnel includes the phrase "To support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, to bear true faith and allegiance to the same..."
So the primary allegiance is to the Constitution. However, the Constitution also appoints the President of the United States to be the Commander In Chief of all American military forces.
# First in time or place. # Ahead of all others, especially in position or rank;
The U.S. military.
the first military governor of Florida was William P. DuVal
Avoid jargon is the first rule for constructing military correspondence.
There have been no military coup in Israel
The professional military owes its first and foremost allegiance to the Constitution. After the Constitution, the military will obey all lawful orders from the President.
Foremost means "first" - this could be first in order, in a sequence or in a rank. An example: Here is the foremost task at hand. OR The foremost horn on a rhino is larger. It is often used in the saying, "First and foremost..."
First and foremost, supervisors are there to monitor you.
I pledge of allegiance to the
In the US, the American Red Cross is probably foremost, but so do many other organizations, including the military.
School children first recited the pledge of allegiance in 1892.
I say Pledge of allegiance first
First and foremost, I want it understood that I will not be doing your homework for you.
First and foremost, be sure to insert the key to open the door.
"Primarily" or "mainly" could be substitutes for "first and foremost" in a sentence.