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This was from Casablanca, a movie that took place during the Second World War.

Rick (Humphrey Bogart) said this line to his old flame Ilsa, played by Ingrid Bergman, referring to their time together in occupied Paris.

I don't believe there was any implication intended that Ilsa fought for the Union Army in the American Civil War.

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Q: To whom rick said The Germans wore grey you wore blue?
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How did the 88th infantry get the name Fighting Blue Devil's?

My father was in the 88th infantry div.....from the stories he told was the Germans that gave them that name 'blue devil's'...because the Germans said they fought like devils...hence..coupled with the blue cloverleaf...they got their name...and rightly so...they were the first in rome...which I believe is also part of the namesake attached to some of their badges . my father passed in 1991-- Mike Sollenne son of Vincent Sollenne

How were inocent Germans being killed by poles out of revenge?

it is said that the the Americans let the Jews actually abuse the Germans and tortured them to death. they actually did revenge on them.

This is said to be history's greatest military evacuation?

Dunkirk, the evacuation of the British from capture by the Germans in WW2.

What country did Hitler demand in Czechoslovakia?

It wasnt a country. It was an area around Czechoslovakia that was called the Sudentland. He said the Czechs were misstreating Germans

What message did Hitler spread?

Hitler said all "Juden" (Jews) were vile, horrible people and they were the reason the Germans were in such hardship. He said that the Jews manipulated the US. He told everyone they would have a better life if they got rid of all the sub-humans. He told the Germans they were the pinnacle of the earth. He would lead them into a perfect 1000 year reign. He lied everytime he opened his mouth. The Germans were so taken with him it took decades for them to get those messages erased out of their minds.

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What hair and eye color do German people have?

The "True Germans" have blue eyes, and blonde hair. ? not True at all true Germans have Bronze skin and Bronze gold hair blue grey and green eyes are a Germanic trait. look at ww2 Heinrick Himmler Said true Germans have Bronze gold hair Grey blue eyes and bronze skin ? answer that. Aryan race True Germanic peoples grey blue bronze gold hair bronze skin?.

What is JOHN WAYNE's eye color?

John from the movie: Grey/blue John from the TV show: Brown John from the book: Green but sometime it is said they're blue Bonus: Sherlock from the movie: Grey/Dark blue Sherlock from the TV show: Light Blue Sherlock from the book: Grey but sometimes it is said that they're black

What is paul wesley's eye color?

They look kinda grey to me. Though they're said to be green and blue.

How do you say rick in dutch?

Rick is generally said to be a name. So it is generally said as the same thing.

What colors were the uniform in war?

Blue for the Union. Grey for the Confederates. In the war's first battle (Bull Run), there was a Confederate unit in blue uniforms, which confused the Union artillery, and swung the battle in favour of the South. It is said that Stonewall Jackson was shot because his party arrived back covered in dust, and the sentry could not tell whether their uniforms were blue or grey.

How common is bay with horses?

Bay horses are very common, because you get, Dark bays, Cherry bays, Rich bays, Light bays, and chestnut bays! I personally would have said greys are more common though! Because you get flebitten grey, Iron grey, dapple grey and white grey- where the pigment colour of a horses coat is pink it become white- if the horses skin is blue/grey it is grey/

What is the description of a blue tiger?

I found this on Wikipedia when I searched up what a blue tiger was: "The Maltese tiger, or blue tiger... is said to have bluish fur with dark grey stripes. ...The term "Maltese" comes from domestic cat terminology for blue fur, and refers to the slate grey coloration. Many cats with such colouration are present in Malta, which may have given rise to the use of the adjective in this context" I really hope that this answers your question satisfactorily! ^-^

Where is Rick Jackson?

Rick Roirdan lives in San Antonio, TX. (as said in about the author in the lightning thief)

How did Rick perry get into poltics?

Rick Perry said that his interest in politics probably began in November of 1961.

Who said heres looking at your kid?

Rick in the movie "Casablanca".

What race did Hitler say Germans were?

he said they were the master race

How did the 88th infantry get the name Fighting Blue Devil's?

My father was in the 88th infantry div.....from the stories he told was the Germans that gave them that name 'blue devil's'...because the Germans said they fought like devils...hence..coupled with the blue cloverleaf...they got their name...and rightly so...they were the first in rome...which I believe is also part of the namesake attached to some of their badges . my father passed in 1991-- Mike Sollenne son of Vincent Sollenne