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Fair Deal

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Q: Truman's 21 point program submitted to Congress on September 6 1945?
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Harry Trumans social and economic program was called?

the fair deal

Harrys trumans social and economic program was called the?

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The Marshall Plan

What act of congress established JROTC?

The act of congress that established the JROTC Program is the National Defense Act of 1916.

This was the republican 104th congress program to eliminate government waste?

The Contract with America was the Republican 104th Congress program to eliminate government waste.

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"spider" is just the nickname for a web crawling program.

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The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) .

Did congress support JFK's space program?

Yes, of course.

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Oversight Function

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What are the release dates for The Jack Paar Program - 1962 - 1.1?

The Jack Paar Program - 1962 - 1.1 was released on: USA: 21 September 1962 USA: 21 September 1962 USA: 21 September 1962 USA: 21 September 1962