No. Most came from a German nationality. But there were some Germans who resisted against the Nazi regime. Not all Germans supported Hitler and the Nazis (even half of the German soldiers fighting in the war). Not all Nazis were Germans. Some could've been other European nationalities.
By sending food and supply's to war territory's. (Needs of the soilders)Army that don't have food can't fight.
Immediate - total despoiling of the rich Georgia farmland, serious threat to Confederate food-supply, destruction of railroads, and devastation of civilian morale (and corresponding leap in Northern morale, helping Lincoln to get re-elected.) Long-term - slow and painful reconstruction programme, lasting resentment of the vandalism and cruelty of the Union army, personal loathing of Sherman.
yes they did it was welcoming all homeless people to come in and try to keep at least the smallest amount of warm although they could not supply food .-hope my imformation helped ;-)
Supply Shock
Marshall Plan.
Marshall Plan
for a+...... marshal plan
The European Nations did not agree with President Clinton's plan to bomb Bosnian Serb supply lines. He did put much pressure on the European Nations to take action against the Serbs but to no avail.
The king used the Congo's people as slaves to supply rubber. If the people didnt supply enough rubber their hands would be cut off.
The industrialization of European nations gave them more advanced forms of transportation. It also created more jobs and led to a more prosperous economy since more products were able to be created.
their goal is to have a steady supply of oil flowing out of their countries.
What area of the country produces one-third of the nations annual supply of lumber?
Immediate summary execution of all drug dealers and a declaration of war on the nations that knowingly grow, produce, supply, and allow the transit of drugs and narcotics
What is the nation's milk supply?
management of the nations money supply