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It's also desirable to use internal reconstruction to uncover an earlier form of various languages, and to submit those pre- languages to comparative method.

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Q: Under what circumstances internal reconstruction becomes desirable how it is affected?
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No, it is desirable for a battery to have a low internal resistance.

Distinguish between internal and external reconstruction of a company?

internal reconstruction no new company is formed in external reconstruction an existing company is dissolved and a new company is formed with the same shareholdders. there will be absence of liquidation expenses in internal reconstruction. liquidation expenses is present in external reconstruction.

Distinguish between internal and external reconstruction?

INTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION- when the name of the co. remain as before but changes are made in assets and liabilities of the co. and entries are made in the books of the co. of such changes and balance sheet is amended it is called internal reconstruction. EXTERNAL RECONSTRUCTION- when such heavy changes are not possible or new capital is to be issued or there is much dissent among shareholders or by changing the name of the co. , an effort is made to give new life to the co. the co. is liquidated and a new co. is formed to purchase the assets and liabilities of old co. ,it is called external reconstruction.

What is Internal reconstruction in company?

Capital of a company is reorganized to infuse new life in the company.

What is external and internal circumstances that surround the business?

What is Business Environment.

What would be most favorably affected by internal improvements?

West and South

Which form of internal migration has affected most countries?

The form of internal migration that has affected most countries is people moving from rural areas to cities. Today, most of the world's population lives in a city.

What does the cpt code 21195 stand for?

Reconstruction of mandibular rami and/or body, sagittal split; without internal rigid fixation

Why is a small critical angle desirable for optical fibers What problems could be caused if the critical we're increased?

because a smaller critical angle means that it is easier for total internal reflection to occur, which is the desirable quality in an optical fibre.

What affected the roman government?

Religious change, territorial uprisings, and internal strife.

What sections of the US were most favorably affected by internal improvements?

West and south

What is internal reconstruction of a company?

Internal reconstruction is an arrangement made by companies whereby the claims of share holders, debenture holder, creditors and other liabilities are reduced or altered, so that the accumulated losses are written off, assets are valued at its fair value and the balance sheet shows the true and fair view of the financial position.