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From 1962-1971, the following agents were used in Vietnam: 1. Purple 2. Green 3. Pink 4. Orange 5. Orange II 6. White 7. Blue Eight other un-coded agents were tested during the war.

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What was the pesticide called that was used during the Vietnam war?

The herbicide that was used during the Vietnam War was Agent Orange, which contains a deadly chemical called dioxin.

What was used to remove the leaves in Vietnam?

Agent Orange, a powerful herbicide used during the Vietnam War, was used to remove leaves and vegetation in Vietnam. However, it had severe health and environmental consequences.

Toxic chemicals used to destroy jungle in vietnam?

The defoliant Agent Orange .

What poison gas was used in the Vietnam war?

It was called Agent Orange.

What was the name of the deadly chemical used during the Vietnam War?

Agent Orange

Which chemical product was used to destroy the jungles of Vietnam?

The defoliant Agent Orange .

What government was in charge of agent orange?

Agent Orange was a chemical the United States used during the Vietnam war as an herbicide and defoilent.

Is Agent orange a treated disease?

Agent Orange is not a disease but a substance used to remove leaves from trees used in the Vietnam war to expose the hidden Vietnamese soldiers.

When was agent orange last used?

Agent Orange or Herbicide Orange was used during the Vietnam War as part of Operation Ranch Hand. It was first developed in 1943.

What is the codename of one of the defoilants used by the US military during the Vietnam War?

Agent Orange.

Is there any chemical in Lysol that is also in the chemical agent orange that the government used in Vietnam?


Why did America invade Vietnam?

Mostly to destroy vegetation that was used by the enemy to hide their movements. Same purpose agent orange was later used for, but agent orange was supposed to be more selective, limiting collateral damage.