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war supplies were called rations or goods by the soilders

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Q: War supplies are also called
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What is another word for school supplies?

There are several different terms used for war supplies. The general term used is logistics and that covers anything from manufacturing to transportation. Other terms include equipment and inventory.

What is the Korean War also called?

the Korean war is also called the forgotten war.

What was the name of the mission to parachute supplies into Bduring the cold war?

It was called "The Berlin Airlift."

Why did they depend on the us for supplies?

Because one cannot fight a war without supplies. No supplies=no war.

What stores sell business supplies?

Amazon sell business supplies or there is a big superstore called Staples that has a lot of business supplies. You can also go online and get your supplies from the FedEx office.

Which war is also called the Great War?

World War I It was also called "the war to end all wars". Guess they were wrong about that.

What Besides fighting were two things did the US provide to the allied forces?

Well the United States Also lended supplies and food during WWII> This was called the Lend-Lease Act where the Untied States would lend supplies to the Allies before they entered the war. Answer Finance and military supplies/equipment - I Warner

What was ww1 called a world war?

It was also called the Great War.

What is a war called that are between states?

The War Between the States was also called the Civil War.

What was also called the war of Independence?

It is also called the 'Sepoy Mutiny'.