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Adolf Hitler never took a legitimate standardized IQ test. No credible academic source would attribute an IQ score to him for this reason. However, we can approximately evaluate his intelligence level based on several factors explained below.

To qualify as a genius a person should be an authority in an occupational field requiring abstract reasoning and creativity. A genius would be expected to advance original theories in science, medicine, law, or literature, or to invent new forms of technology. Among the Nazis there were such individuals.

We know that Hitler was a charismatic and methodical leader. We also know that he had some artistic ability, a high school level education, and first hand experience with military tactics as a corporal during World War I. It is documented that several Nazi leaders were given crude IQ tests during the Nuremberg trials (after World War II) that showed that many had superior intelligence. These officers all reported that Hitler was highly charismatic, confident, and able to explain complex ideas. We know that under Hitler the German military made innovations and used novel tactics. It should not be understated that these innovations were not the personal handiwork of Hitler himself.

As a matter of well established academic consensus, the few books that Hitler wrote were not major works of philosophy or science, nor were they breathtaking masterpieces of prose. He published no articles in peer reviewed medical, legal, or scientific literature of the time. He advanced no theories. He personally invented no new forms of technology.

Based on what is known of Hitler through his documented written correspondence, books, and the strategies he used to achieve power, we can safely guess that Hitler had superior intelligence, certainly adequate enough to succeed at a university, but that he was not a genius.


Some people believe that Hitler was an economic and political genius. They claim that he brought Germany from a nation in debt to a world power of which the whole world was scared.

However it must be remembered that the debt from World War 1 was not repaid but ignored. It is doubtful that a genius is defined as one who rules by fear. He was not a military genius either as he made major blunders which cost him the war.


No, Hitler really had no thought of his own. He got his ideas of Government from Mussolini, he never invented anything he stole other peoples work and took credit for it. His military tactics were lacking, he made huge mistakes that cost him in the end. The only thing that you could consider that he was a genus was the way he manipulated and brainwashed people into doing what he wanted.


The academic consensus is that his works of literature (a finished book, an unpublished transcript, and several documents written before his suicide) did not advance human knowledge on a theoretical level by any stretch of the imagination. Neither fame nor simply possessing a large vocabulary equate genius.

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11y ago
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4y ago
What a load of malarky.
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15y ago

In less than 10 years with Adolf Hitler as the leader of Germany it went from a country with no future to a great super power with him leading the way.

It is said his knowledge could astound experts even in their own field... but he also made some major decisions in World War 2 which would cost Germany the war. Hitler was nominated Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933. Almost exactly ten years later to the day he suffered a devastating defeat at Stalingrad. After that, he had no chance of winning the war, only of prolonging it. He chose - yes, chose - to gamble like crazy, and he lost. He not only led his adopted country to ruin, but did immense and lasting damage to its reputation. There's nothing 'intelligent' about him. Truly intelligent people don't choose to ignore facts because the facts didn't support a particular belief system. The intelligentsia have no reason to burn books. The Nazis did just that - They burned the books of Jewish thinkers and then went on to murder millions. Hitler was a skillful person but his talent never was something to be admired. He inspired the worst in people and the result was 10s of millions of people, dying and suffering.

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16y ago

Any individual that believes that Hitler was brilliant should use caution to make a clearly defined distinction between his leadership abilities and his lack of moral qualities that prevented him from respecting human life in general. Yes, as an orator and leader Hitler was one of the most skilled planners and speakers that lived during his time. What made that true was Hitler's ability to influence others while almost effortlessly motivating them to embrace his flawed social causes. These qualities are what most people refer to when they speak about Hitler being brilliant. Because Hitler was also able to convince others to serve him with a blind loyalty that is uncommon for most men to willingly submit to without question, he almost destroyed an entire race of innocent Jewish people due to the hatred and vitriol that he displayed towards them. The fact that Hitler almost succeeded with his plans to extinguish the entire Jewish race is a very chilling and disturbing concept for most people to fully comprehend; especially for those that were not personally subjected to such an evil trauma. Therefore, the belief that Hitler was brilliant is generally common among two primary groups which are those that wish to study history in order to prevent similar tragedies from ever occurring again and those that are equally as demented as Hitler was when he lived. After all, even though most people are willing to concede that Hitler was clever and astute as a leader they also realize that his lack of social values and morays made him one of the most dangerous psychopaths that ever lived. To that extent, Hitler should be more feared and abhorred than he should be a leader that others admire and desire to imitate. It is very unsettling to reflect on the fact that Hitler almost succeeded at his diabolical plan to conquer the world by eliminating non-Aryan races that he viewed as a threat including: Jews, Blacks, Russians, Christians, Gypsies, Gays, Communists, and Socialists to create a master race that he could use to control and dominate the social structure of 1940s Germany. As a result, it is a good thing that honorable men decided to coordinate worldwide during Hitler's reign to stop him before he achieved his reprehensible goals of eliminating certain groups. As Albert Einstein said, "The world needs heroes and it's better they be harmless men like me than villains like Hitler."

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13y ago

His actions during WWII were not only unacceptable and cruel, but inhumane and maybe even devil like. But the reason why he is considered intelligent by most is the way he meticulously rose to power and the precise killing of 11 million people without a single man, woman, or child outside of German rule knew about. His notorious knack for physiology in combination with his deadly IQ. allowed him to literally put into words how to rise to power, how to hold it, and how to escape the consequences.

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15y ago

Hitler had to be smart to get most of Germany to !!!!!!!!!!!!!HATE!!!!!!!!!!!! Jews

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