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They were Neutral at that time. :D

I come from Belgium

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Q: Was Belgium in the Triple Entente or the Triple Alliance in 1914?
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What alliance was most powerful in 1914 world war 1?

triple alliance was the powerfull alliance in 1st world war

Which member of the triple alliance switched and fought on the opposite side?

From 1882 until 1914 Europe was split between two groups the Triple Alliance (Germany, Australia-Hungry, and Italy) and the Triple Entente (Britain, France and Russia). Italy would later switch sides and join the Triple Entente against Germany and Australia-Hungry.

What was the risk of the Triple Aliance?

The Triple Alliance, formed in 1882, was a defensive military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The risk of this alliance was that it created a strong bloc of powers that could potentially escalate conflicts and increase tensions with other nations, particularly with their rival alliance, the Triple Entente. This eventually contributed to the outbreak of World War I in 1914.

The three Triple Alliance powers?

The Triple Alliance was comprised of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. The alliance lasted from 1884 up until 1914.

Central powers allies?

Well, you haven't really asked an easily understood question. You could be asking for what countries where allied to who or when. Starting before WWI in 1914: On one side there was Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy (the triple alliance). And on the other side was Britain, France and Russia (the triple entente). Bulgaria and the Ottomans joined the triple alliance but Italy switched sides, so the alliance came to be called the central powers. The entente also got many allies, amongst them Japan, Romania and USA, but Russia had internal problems to deal with from 1917.

Related questions

What were the triple alliance and the triple entente?

It is how WW1 broke out, in August 1914 ;]

What alliance was most powerful in 1914 world war 1?

triple alliance was the powerfull alliance in 1st world war

Describe the alliance system that existed in Europe in 1914?

triple alliances & triple entente triple alliance was formed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy triple entente was formed by Great Britain, France and Russia

In 1903 the British French and Russians formed an alliance called?

Triple Entente.

What alliances did Serbia have in July 1914?

The war started on July 28 1914, Serbia was in alliance with Russia.improved:and russia, was in alliance with Britain and France. (the triple entente).Germany, austria-Hungary and Italy were also in an alliance (the triple alliance).

What was the alliance between Great Britain and Russia and France known as?

The Triple Entente linked the United Kigndom, the French Third Republic, and the Russian Empire in 1907, following the signing of the Anglo-Russian Entente. With agreements from Portugal and Japan, this alliance was a strong opposition to Germany's, Austria-Hungary's, and the Kingdom of Italy's Triple Alliance. In 1914, all three of the Triple Entente entered World War I as Allies against Germany and Austria-Hungary.

What has the author George Born Manhart written?

George Born Manhart has written: 'Alliance and entente, 1871-1914' -- subject(s): History, Politics and government, Sources, Triple Alliance, 1882, Triple Entente, 1907

Which countries were members of the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente in 1914?

The Triple Entente: Britain, France, RussiaThe Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary,Italy. (However, Italy's membership was meaningless and Italy fought alongside the Entente from April 1915)The Ottoman Empire, which fought alongside the Central Powers (from September 1914 on, was not a member of either.The US, which entered the war on the side of the Triple Entente was also not a member of either.

What banded together to form the triple alliance?

The Triple Alliance in 1913, shown in red.The Triple Alliance was the military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, (as opposing the Triple Entente which consisted of an alliance between Britain, France and Russia), that lasted from 1882[1] until the start of World War I in 1914.[

What was the alliance of Britain France and Russia in World War 1?

Germany declared war on Russia on 1st august 1914. at this time, Russia had a treaty with France and Britain, called the Triple Entente. this wasn't an agreement to defend each other, but an agreement to 'not argue'.

Which member of the triple alliance switched and fought on the opposite side?

From 1882 until 1914 Europe was split between two groups the Triple Alliance (Germany, Australia-Hungry, and Italy) and the Triple Entente (Britain, France and Russia). Italy would later switch sides and join the Triple Entente against Germany and Australia-Hungry.

Which member of the triple entente shared borders with the other two members in 1914?

The German Empire was the only nation to touch 2 of 3 of the borders of the Triple Entente. The members of this alliance were France, Great Britain, and Russia.