Statistics of Bomber Raids on London Daylight Raids 8 Night Raids 19 TOTAL = 27 Tonnage = 111,935 kgs British Casualties Killed 835 Injured 1,972 Bombers shot down 24 Bombers lostor damaged 36 Bombers crashed 2 British aircraft shot down 6 (German bombers claimed 10) British aircraft lost or crashed 10 >>>British Casualties
the German were the first to use bombers, their first bomber was a zeppelin invented by Edward zeppelin
Space shuttle, (based on a German Bomber)
Bomber Aircrew in World War II was created in 2004.
Best heavy bomber: Avro LancasterBest light bomber: de Havilland Mosquito
the German were the first to use bombers, their first bomber was a zeppelin invented by Edward zeppelin
Space shuttle, (based on a German Bomber)
Space shuttle, (based on a German Bomber)
A Heinkel HE III was a German plane in WWII. It had a glazed nose and was a bomber plane.
X-Great was the name of German bomber radio navigation equipment.
· X class submarine · X-Gerat (German bomber navigation equipment)
· X class submarine · X-Gerat (German bomber navigation equipment)
X class submarineX-Gerat (German bomber navigation equipment)
· X class submarine · X-Gerat (German bomber navigation equipment)
The Junkers but its also called the German dive bombers! :)
Messerschmidt 264 bomber was fairly large but unsure if it was the largest. It was one of the longest range bombers. also do you count air ships?
Bomber Aircrew in World War II was created in 2004.