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Hitler was VERY persuasive. Hitler rose to power by being voted in.

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13y ago

hitler was a physicopat how he could be charismatic.?

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13y ago

Yes. but racist he killed lots of people...

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Q: Was Hitler charismatic
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Is Hitler considered to have charismatic authority?

Yes. Very much.

Why did Goering follow Hitler?

Hitler was a charismatic leader, he offered optimism and a way out of Germany's problems in a post WWI society.

Who was Rudolf Hitler?

There is no Rudolf Hitler. His name was Adolf. Hitler was a charismatic leader with a sense of mission, "unlike other politicians", and many Germans hailed him as their leader.

What made Hitler remarkable?

Hitler was a horrible person. However, he was remarkable in the way he was able to handle people. He was charismatic, and people liked him.

Why is Hitler great?

He was charismatic and knew sociology but no one rational can admire what he did with his power when he could have done so much good.

How did Adolf Hitler become an important figure in Germany?

Adolf Hitler was very charismatic and was democratically elected by the people. Germany had experienced a Great Depression similar to the U.S. and the people were entranced by him.

Example of charismatic authority?

Martin Luther King Jr. Adolf Hitler Jesus of Nazareth Mahatma Gandhi

Did Adolf Hitler have any skills or qualities?

If you consider being a heartless killer a skill, or quality, then yes. He did have some skills.He actually was quite charismatic.

What is the antonym of charismatic?

There is no antonym for charismatic.

Who has charismatic authority?

The hearer or viewer has the authority as to rather a person is charismatic. I am very charismatic in my Christian faith, but to some, I may not be perceived as being charismatic.

Is the word Charismatic a bad word?

No, in most cases, charismatic is a good word. Charismatic describes a person who possesses an extraordinary ability to attract; a person with a magnetic personality. Most people that have charisma are good influences such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Cary Grant, Franklin D. Roosevelt, or Oprah. Some can use their charisma to do harm such as Hitler, Rev. Jim Jones, or Charles Manson.

How was Adolf Hitler?

Adolf Hitler, wa a charismatic, Austrian-born demagogue whom rose to power in Germany during the 1920s and early 1930s at a time of social, political, and economic upheaval. He committed suicide towards the end of the war in April 1945.