

Was Nebraska a slave state

Updated: 8/18/2023
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13y ago

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Yes, the State Nebraska was organized after the Kansas-nebraska compromise. The state was selected as a slave state to balance out the slave states and non slave states since Kansas chose to be a free state.

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It was a free state

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Q: Was Nebraska a slave state
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Nebraska will become a free state and kansas a slave state.

Where did the Kansas-Nebraska Act happen at?

In both Kansas and Nebraska, they were admitted states with popular sovereignty, which means the state chooses if it is a slave state or a free state.

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It let settlers decide if they wanted a slave state or not, set boundaries between Kansas and Nebraska, and made both a state.

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It was put to a local vote.

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the Nebraska territory would open up and be divided into 2 states: nebraska and Kansas. originally, nebraska would have been the free state and kansas the slave state BUT nebraska and kansas would be decided by popular sovereignty

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Popular Soverenty (Kansas and Nebraska used it)

Why was the Kansas-Nebraska Act adopted?

Because of people who wanted to bring a slave state in and a free state because of a raiload.

What was settled in the Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854?

The principle of letting the people of a new state vote on whether it was to be a slave-state or a free state.

What compromises gave the states Popular Sovereignty on whether their state would be a slave state or a free state?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

How did bleeding Kansas begin?

The dispute was over whether Kansas would be admitted as a Slave State or a Free State. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed Kansas to enter as a Slave State if Nebraska entered as a Free one. The "bleeding" was from advocates on both sides trying to suppress the other by murder and terrorism.

Which act of congress allowed the new territories to determine whether to be a free or slave state?

the kansas- nebraska act

What did the Kansas Nebraska act give voters in the Kansas and Nebraska territories the right to do?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for "popular sovereignty." The decision about slavery was to be made by the settlers in Kansas rather than by outsiders. The decision as to whether Kansas would become a free state or a slave state would be decided by the votes of people in Kansas. Whichever side had more votes counted by officials would decide if Kansas would become a free state or a slave state. Kansas became a hotbed of violence and chaos as free state and slave state forces collided.