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The army did not use marijuana in World War 1. Still, since it was legal, individual solders probably used it. Most used cigarettes. If you read the newspapers available on microfilm, extremely few people became upset when marijuana became illegalized.

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In the 1860's it was actually pretty rare to find a farm that wasn't growing some variation of cannabus. From the first settlers, to the farmers in later western states, hemp was grown a gigantic scale to satisfy the high demand on the fabric, rope, and the medicinal products that were made of it.

. Smoking marijuana to get high started in in India and slowly worked it's way through Africa, Europe, and across the Atlantic into South and Central America. If American soldiers ever smoked pot, chances are that the introduction probably took place between 1846-1848, while the Mexican War was raging.

Hashish was the more common method of smoking at the time, but it was mostly enjoyed by richer people. Marijuana as a bud might have been smoked by farmers, but it's not really written off that that much.

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