The precursor units to the SEALs operated in both theaters of war. In the Pacific the UDT Underwater Demolition Teams cleared and mapped the beach landings prior to the USMC assaults. In the European theater the NCDU Naval Combat Demolition Units performed similar functions.
The American Navy
WAAC's (army) WAVES (navy)
According to The US Army Medical Department there were over 20,000 Army medics in World War 2. If you want to know about the Navy Corpsman that served with the Marines you may have to contact the Navy. I could not find a total of Navy Corpsman who served in World War 2. Try the link I added below. Thanks.
Women Army and Navy reservests
The Royal Australian Navy had the Fifth largest navy in the world at the begginning of World War 2.
The American Navy
To help the Navy men with ships and supplies and duties to win the war
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The USN.
You can go to the navy records look up navy officers that died in World War 2 and it should tell you where they were stationd and where they died.
Navy Seal - 1989 VG was released on: USA: 2 January 1989
He wanted to serve