It could hardly be called a victory because the objective was not achieved, and South Vietnam collapsed shortly afterward. Neither would I call it a defeat in the military sense, as the French were defeated at Dienbienphu. I would call it cutting the losses and walking away, and the US was not the first or the last country to do that.
That was President Lyndon Johnson.
During his term, Eisenhower will greatly increase U.S. military aid to the French in Vietnam to prevent a Communist victory. Or the US feared that Vietnam would vote for a communist government
The US Civil War (1861-1865) and the Vietnam War (1961-1975) are the only wars in which US citizens experienced a military defeat. In both wars the NORTH defeated the SOUTH. In both wars the Southerners/GI's fighting for South Vietnam were treated harshly (called and treated as "losers") by their fellow US Citizens. Even though the US Civil War was a victorious United States victory, the Confederates (Southerners) were still Americans. Secondly, the Vietnam War was our longest war, outlasting the American Revolutionary War by several years.
Some of the worst USN defeats and losses in US history; but the first US victory and the first Japanese defeat in WWII.
President Carter did not support the amnesty for men who left the US to avoid the draft during the Vietnam war due to his will to win the war and defeat Vietnam.
It could hardly be called a victory because the objective was not achieved, and South Vietnam collapsed shortly afterward. Neither would I call it a defeat in the military sense, as the French were defeated at Dienbienphu. I would call it cutting the losses and walking away, and the US was not the first or the last country to do that.
From the communists: Victory From the US/Allies: Defeat
'55 Advisers, '61 Special Forces, '65 Regulars, '73 withdrawal, '75 defeat.
President Johnson believed that the US could defeat north Vietnam because the US had won WWII with firepower, and the US had the most firepower on earth during the Vietnam War.
Anything to get the US out; and if takes a return of US POWs to do it, then its a deal!
The Vietnam war, for sure
The first Indo-China war between Vietnamese troops and French forces started in 1946 and ended in 1954 with Vietnamese victory at Dien Biên Phu. US involvement in Vietnam started in 1955.
Peace with honor takes time.
The US was an ally of South Vietnam; it was up to South Vietnam to repel the invasion from the north, with massive military assistance from the US (which, of course, ultimately failed).
First victory for the communists.That the US lost it and the commies won. It was an embarrassing defeat for a superpower. People don't talk about the Korean War even though it was pretty much exactly the same, except the US won.
US troops arrived '55-communist victory '75.